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The inevitable victory of the Iranian people and their resistance

The inevitable victory of the Iranian people and their resistance

In recent weeks, major publications and news outlets have given coverage to the large rallies of the Iranian diaspora, especially the marches of the supporters of the Iranian resistance in Brussels and Washington, D.C. In these events, which respectively took place on June 15 and 21, the participants raised their voice in support of the uprisings in Iran. They also demanded the recognition of the Iranian people’s right to resist and to struggle for regime change in their country. The demonstrators stressed their support for Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and her 10-point plan for the future of Iran.

The press coverage of these two events was remarkable and expressed the hopes and of the Iranian people, which are symbolized in the efforts of the Iranian resistance. These two events were also very special because they were organized by the NCRI and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the longest standing and only democratic alternative to the rule of the mullahs in Iran. It is worth noting that the mullahs view the NCRI and MEK as their main threat, which is why they closely eye the activities of the Iranian resistance.

The Iranian regime has picked up a notorious reputation through its human rights violations and its repression against the people of Iran. In contrast, the Iranian resistance has become internationally renowned for its democratic stance and its credible information about what is happening inside Iran.

The Iranian regime failed in its efforts to stifle the Iranian uprising because the Iranian resistance switched tactics and propagated demonstrations to all the cities across Iran through resistance units and resistance councils. Moreover, the resistance units have played a key role in targeting the security centers of the Iranian regime, which gives hope to the millions of Iranians who have been suppressed by these same forces in the past 40 years. These activities have played an important part in keeping the flame of Iranian uprisings alive in the past year.

All of these point to the unique role that this resistance plays inside Iran. Politicians and dignitaries, as well as impartial observers and news organizations acknowledge this role. This is why they pay special attention to the demonstrations and rallies of the Iranian resistance and see it as the extension of the voices and demonstrations of the people inside Iran.

The efforts of the Iranian resistance have frustrated and worried the Iranian regime. What makes it worse for the mullahs in Tehran is that they are finding themselves increasingly incapable in countering the activities of the NCRI and MEK inside Iran and abroad.

The strong will to continue the struggle for freedom and not backing down under any condition expresses the credibility and position of this resistance. The relentless efforts of the MEK in the 40-year struggle against the mullahs has earned it the trust of the Iranian people, who believe this movement will eventually realize the dreams of bringing about regime change and establishing freedom and democracy in their country.

And with every passing day, developments show that this resistance movement is advancing toward victory at an accelerating pace.

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The inevitable victory of the Iranian people and their resistance