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MEK supporters worldwide support Iran uprising

MEK supporters worldwide support Iran uprising

MEK supporters worldwide support Iran uprising 

By Ali Latifi

Since the Iranian uprising began over a month ago, ex-pat Iranians have come out across the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia in order to support their fellow Iranians, who are seeking the overthrow of the regime. 

These ex-pats have spent years in exile, but their hearts still beat for Iran and they dream of the day they can return to a free Iran. Now, their hearts beat for the 12,000 arrested protesters, the 1,500 murdered protesters, and the 4,000 injured protesters across nearly 200 cities in Iran. 

These Iranians are supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), who are serving as the voice for their compatriots inside Iran who are living under horrific conditions. They’ve brought the crimes of the Iranian regime into the public eye in the West, forcing politicians to put aside their economic and political interests to condemn the mullahs for their crimes against humanity. 

Iranian officials are now running scared thanks to the MEK supporters who have been exposing the regime’s brutality at the international level.  

The demonstrations by MEK supporters in solidarity with the Iranian uprisings is not the first time that they’ve raised their voice on this matter. Over the past 40 years, they’ve been speaking out about child labourers, missing children, oppressed women, and unpaid workers. Thanks to the efforts of the MEK, the regime is in isolation and is constantly condemned for its human rights violations. 

Now, the MEK supporters are ensuring that the martyrs are not forgotten. They’re holding their pictures and names aloft across the world to enshrine the names of the fallen in the history of a Free Iran. Indeed, this is how most people in those countries learnt the name of the MEK. 

The MEK has written about this, comparing itself to a tree. 

The MEK wrote: “The roots of this tree are in Ashraf 3, Albania, where thousands of MEK members reside. The bole of this tree is in the heart of Iran, in every city and town, where Iranian resistance units are challenging the regime, and in the dungeons of the regime, where Iranian political prisoners are setting examples of resistance. And the branches of this tree are spread across the world, where MEK supporters are spreading the message of freedom in Iran.” 

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