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United States and EU response to Iran protests

United States and EU response to Iran protests

United States and EU response to Iran protests

United States and EU response to Iran protests

By ALi Latifi

On behalf of the European Union, High Representative Josep Borrell Fontelles commented on the situation in Iran regarding the protests that kicked off on Friday 15th November.

In the press release, Mr Borrell Fontelles said that the people of Iran have been expressing their economic grievances and exercising their “fundamental right to assemble”. He said that the Iranian regime’s response to this has been “disproportionate” and that this has resulted in a large number of deaths and injured people.

The High Representative said that the European Union called on the authorities in Iran “to ensure transparent and credible investigations to clarify the number of deaths and arrested, and to provide due process to all detainees”. He also said that the EU expects all of those perpetrating the violence to be “held accountable” for their actions.

With regards to the large number of arrests that have been carried out, Mr Borrell Fontelles said that the EU expects “all non-violent protestors currently held under arrest” to be released immediately.

He also spoke about the Iranian regime’s internet shutdown, making it impossible for the people to  communicate with ease. The High Representative said that it “prevented communication and the free flow of information for Iranian citizens” and that it was a “clear violation of the freedom of speech”. He urged the Iranian regime to respect the fundamental rights of the people in terms of freedom of expression and assembly and reminded the authorities that they have international obligations that should not be ignored.

He called on the UN Security Council to take action with regards to the Iranian regime that is killing protesters and shutting their internet down.

United States and EU response to Iran protests

President Trump said that the media must get involved so that the rest of the world can see and hear what is really happening there.

Explaining how a simple economic grievance has turned into a major uprising, President Trump explained that the people of Iran have been badly mistreated for quite some time. He highlighted that the regime has plundered the nation’s wealth on terrorist and belligerent activities and that the people are deeply unhappy with the leadership.

President Trump called on the members of the UN Security Council to join the US in “vital efforts to promote religious liberty around the globe”, adding that the United States “will always stand with the Iranian people in their righteous struggle for freedom”.

The Trump administration has been putting the Iranian regime under “maximum pressure” because of the threat that it poses to global peace and security. The president and key members of his administration have been determined not to fall into the same appeasement policies as previous administrations, even calling European countries out for failing to address Iran’s belligerence.

Speaking about the killing of protesters, the U.S. special representative for Iran Brian Hook said that the US has received many videos of footage in Iran that are being checked and verified. He said that the reports of brutality and violence on the part of the regime seem to be backed up with evidence.

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