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Joint Statement by 300 Iranian Communities Supporting to Impose Sanctions Against Iran’s Regime

As the Mullahs’ regime continues to increase human rights violations inside Iran and the export of terrorism and warmongering abroad, Iranians called on the international community to impose sanctions against the Iran’s regime and stand by the Iranian people who want regime change.

In a joint statement by 300 Iranian communities in Europe, the United States, Australia, and Canada, the signatories emphasized that the only way to deal with the Iranian regime’s threats is to support the Iranian people’s demand for freedom and democracy.

The Text of the Joint Statement of 300 Iranian Communities in Europe, the United States, Australia, and Canada:

Iran Statement

During the uprisings of 2017, as well as in November 2019 and January 2020, the Iranian people expressed their desire to overthrow the regime with the slogans” Death to Khamenei, Rouhani “, ”Reformist, hardliner, the game is over “and” Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the leader,”

In the November 2019 uprising alone, the Revolutionary Guards martyred more than 1,500 young people. This is the continuation of 120,000 political executions by the clerical regime.

The Iranian people have also openly expressed their opposition to the export of terrorism and incitement to war, with the slogans “Leave Syria, think about us” ‌ and “Neither Gaza nor Lebanon, I sacrifice my life for Iran.” These interventions are part of the regime’s strategy for survival, which costs billions of dollars every year and causes more poverty, unemployment, and inflation among the people, more than half of whom live below the poverty line.

The regime’s nuclear and missile programs are entirely against the interests of the Iranian people and in the service of the regime’s survival. The Iranian people need jobs, housing and a minimum standard of living, which have been denied from them during 42 years of corrupt and plundering dictatorship.

The Iranian people want the disbanding of the Revolutionary Guards, to which the resistance leader has called. The IRGC’s hundreds of billions of assets are wholly belongs to the people and must be used to improve the economic situation and to fight the coronavirus that is massacring the people.

The clerical regime is weaker today than ever. The escalation of terrorist acts against the opposition, such as the bombing of a resistance rally on June 30, 2018 in France, shows the regime’s fear of being overthrown by the people and the resistance. The commander of the operation was a terrorist diplomat who has been in prison since then and will stand trial on November 27 in Belgium.

1. We call for a complete arms embargo on the regime and the re-imposition of six Security Council resolutions and all UN sanctions. The notion that sanctions target the people is demagogic, the oil revenues are spent entirely on repression and incitement to war, or are plundered by the regime’s leaders. Every bullet sold to the regime is used against the Iranian people and against peace in the region.

2. The embassies of the Iranian regime in Europe are the centers of terrorist acts, and they should be closed and its mercenaries should be expelled.

3. The ultimate solution to the Iranian crisis is the overthrow of the clerical regime by the Iranian people and the Iranian resistance. The international community must recognize the right of the Iranian people to fight against religious fascism and to establish democracy and the rule of the people in Iran.

Supporting the MEK and MEK’s Resistance Units that have worked hard to change the regime is the national duty of anyone who is committed to the freedom of Iran. The ten-point plan of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance, for future Iran, based on a pluralistic republic based on the separation of religion and state, equality of men and women, freedom of expression and belief, equality and rights of all nationalities and followers of all religions and non-nuclear Iran emphasizes the guarantee of democracy in Iran and peace and friendship in the region and the world.

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Joint Statement by 300 Iranian Communities Supporting to Impose Sanctions Against Iran’s Regime