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Forced Relocation of Political Prisoners and Detainees of the November 2019 Iran Protests in the Great Tehran Prison (Fashafuyeh)

On Wednesday, September 30, 2020, November 2019 Iran protests detainees forcibly relocated to Hall 2 of the 5th Brigade of the Greater Tehran Prison. According to reports, the prison authorities in Greater Tehran transferred the prisoners with the prison's savage guards' help.

Great Tehran Penitentiary(Prison Fashafuyeh)


Forced transfer of political prisoners and detainees of the November 2019 Iran protests in Great Tehran Penitentiary(Prison Fashafuyeh)with the intervention of the Prison Guard

On Wednesday, September 30, 2020, November 2019 Iran protests detainees forcibly relocated to Hall 2 of the 5th Brigade of the Greater Tehran Prison. According to reports, the prison authorities in Greater Tehran transferred the prisoners with the prison’s savage guards’ help.

The head of the 5th Brigade, named ” Oruji,” went to Hall 2 and informed the prisoners that they have to transfer to the 2nd Brigade due to the principle of separation of crimes.

The prison guard threatened to use force

The political prisoners in this ward protested against this illegal act. They announced that this ward was supposed to be a political prisoner from the beginning. During this period, they reorganized this section at their own expense. They should not be moved from this section and transferred to Brigade 2. Brigade 2 of Greater Tehran Prison lacks necessary living and health facilities.

But prison officials did not listen to the prisoners’ arguments. Under the pretext that they wanted to apply the principle of segregation of crimes, they threatened the prisoners they would bring in guards. Oruji explicitly threatened to use force.

Minutes after the transfer announcement, Mohammad Habibi, the imprisoned teacher in this hall, was called upstairs. He was told to tell the others to pack up and get ready to move.

An hour later, prison guards arrived in the hall, using force and pressure on political prisoners and detainees, to transfer protesters of November 2019.

Risk of coronavirus infection in this relocation

It should be noted that in the past few days, about 50 people and on September 30, more than 100 prisoners from other brigades were transferred to this hall. These transfers take place in situations where there is a coronavirus patient in different divisions of prisons. There is a possibility of contagion of this disease due to relocation.

Forced prisoners’ transfer is one of the cases of harassment of political prisoners and inhuman and cruel acts carried out by prison officials. Mohammad Habibi and Shapoor Ehsani Rad and the November protesters are among the political prisoners in Hall 2 of the 5th Brigade.

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