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Iran: On the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, 80% of Iranians Live Below the Poverty Line

Iran: On the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, 80% of Iranians Live Below the Poverty Line

Iran under the mullahs’ rule, despite significant economic resources and national wealth and ancient history and culture, with increasingly destructive economic policies and plunder of national capital, caused increasing poverty.


For the first time in 1993, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution designating October 17 as World Poverty Eradication Day. On this day, it’s crucial to remember Iran, where over 80% of the population live below the poverty line.

Since 1993, poverty reduction has been a task for governments. After that, Governments were required to adopt appropriate strategies to eradicate poverty. Some developing countries, including Singapore, Tajikistan, Indonesia, and Tanzania, have taken adequate measures to fight poverty and enrich their families.

Iran on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Meanwhile, Iran under the mullahs’ rule, despite significant economic resources, national wealth, ancient history and culture, with increasingly destructive economic policies and plunder of national wealth, caused increasing poverty.

Iran corruption:  $4 8 bn. missing in Rouhani's government, the other side of poverty in Iran

Poverty and deprivation statistics in Iran society

Unfortunately, under the mullahs’ corrupted regime, on the eve of World Poverty Eradication Day, we are witnessing an increase in poverty and deprivation in Iranian society, including:

People of Iran cannot afford food under the rule of mullahs

While the Iranian regime spends Iran’s wealth on the export of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, the Iranian people struggle with poverty. In addition, they cannot afford even minimum food for their families. Also, many of the Iranian people (80%+ according to media) are under the poverty line. 

That is to say, yet the mullahs blame sanctions for the economic crisis in Iran. Still, they do not mention why the inner circle of the Iranian regime’s officials, including supreme leader Ali Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani, and others, are getting richer and invest billions of dollars in WMDs and terrorism in the region.

What is the Solution?

As a result, the situation of economic catastrophe and the widespread poverty of the people are direct resulted of  the mullahs’ corrupt rule. So, what is the solution? Solving Iran’s economic crisis and eradicating poverty from people’s lives can only be achieved through regime change and the establishment of freedom, democracy, and justice. Regime change and establishing the democratic rule lead to the people’s real participation in the country’s economy and the necessary stability for significant investments. 

As Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said: All the promises by the mullahs to the deprived and calamity-stricken people of Iran are hollow and worthless. The only way to end poverty, destitution, and unemployment is to end the mullahs’ evil dictatorship and establish freedom and people’s sovereignty.

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