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Else Ampe: Iranian protesters are a beacon of light for so many people in the world

Else Ampe: Thank Iranian protesters for being a beacon of light for so many people who are suppressed by their governments around the world.

Else Ampe: Thank Iranian protesters for being a beacon of light for so many people who are suppressed by their governments around the world.

Belgian Senator Else Ampe virtually attended an online conference, marking the first anniversary of the November 2019 uprising. The event hosted by the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) homaged the Iranian people’s sacrifices for a free and democratic Iran.

Hundreds of thousands of outrage protesters came into the streets, showing their complaint against the sudden rise of gasoline prices. However, the regime’s security forces responded to defenseless demonstrators with live ammunition, killing at least 1,500 protesters.

During a few days, the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and other oppressive forces did whatever they could to stifle protests, according to the supreme leader Ali Khamenei‘s decree. They arbitrarily detained over 12,000 demonstrators, targeted protesters, and bystanders by heavy machineguns, snipers, and helicopters. However, they merely fueled the people’s wrath against the entire regime.

In her remarks at the NCRI virtual event, Else Ampe expressed her solidarity with the Iranian people’s desire.

“‘Cage an eagle and it will bite at the wires, be they of iron or of gold.’ It was a Norwegian writer, Henrik Ibsen, who wrote that,” she began her remarks, adding, “An eagle needs to fly. And we are all eagles wherever we were born.”

Then, Else Ampe highlighted the importance of freedom and the struggle for achieving them, saying, “Nobody has the right to take our freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of property, of destiny, freedom to be who you are. And oftentimes, governments take our freedom, as does Hassan Rouhani, and it has limited government in Iran when he puts juvenile protesters on the death row.

“Rouhani and his religious state even killed the national wrestling champion of Iran, Navid Afkari, for protesting amongst many other young people back in 2018. I’m very honored to be here among so many freedom fighters, young freedom fighters, to commemorate those who are not here anymore,” said Else Ampe.

“You are all heroes of freedom and I wish to applaud you and to support you. According to Reuters, 7000, mostly young people were arrested just for speaking their minds in the streets of Iran during the protests. 1,500 were killed of which many, many women.

“There are also a lot of people falsely accused as Dr. Djalali falsely accused by the government. Iranian governmental violence was condemned by the United Nations, it was condemned by Amnesty International,” Senator Else Ampe added.

“Mr. Rouhani, I demand the immediate and unconditional release of all protesters arrested during these justified protests for freedom. Real power, Mr. Rouhani, least in the trusting the people with their freedom. You decide the life and death of your people, but they cannot even speak their minds. Why are you granted more freedom than your people? Are you above them?” she questioned Rouhani and his oppressive regime.

“Thucydides said, ‘The secret of happiness is freedom and the secret of freedom is courage.’

To all protesters, to all heroes of freedom, I say thank you for your courage. Thank you for being a beacon of light in the lives of so many people who are suppressed by our governments in this world. Your path will be followed. Your victory will be cherished,” Senator Else Ampe ended her remarks, praising the Iranian people’s struggle for a free Iran.

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