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Geir Sigbjorn Toskedal: Iranians’ sacrifices bear fruit in a free Iran

Geir Sigbjorn Toskedal: Iranian youths' sacrifices bear fruit and they can breathe freely in a free, democratic, and pluralistic republic

Geir Sigbjorn Toskedal: Iranian youths' sacrifices bear fruit and they can breathe freely in a free, democratic, and pluralistic republic

Norwegian MP Geir Sigbjorn Toskedal, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, virtually attended an online conference, marking the first anniversary of the November 2019 uprising. The event hosted by the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) homaged the Iranian people’s sacrifices for a free and democratic Iran.

Hundreds of thousands of outrage protesters came into the streets, showing their complaint against the sudden rise of gasoline prices. However, the regime’s security forces responded to defenseless demonstrators with live ammunition, killing at least 1,500 protesters.

During a few days, the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and other oppressive forces did whatever they could to stifle protests, according to the supreme leader Ali Khamenei‘s decree. They arbitrarily detained over 12,000 demonstrators, targeted protesters, and bystanders by heavy machineguns, snipers, and helicopters. However, they merely fueled the people’s wrath against the entire regime.

In his remarks at the NCRI virtual event, Geir Sigbiorn Toskedal expressed her solidarity with the Iranian people’s desire.

“I am glad to join you at this important conference to commemorate the November 2019 uprising of Iranian people. Moreover, support the Iranian youth who long for the day that they can freely express themselves without fearing persecution,” Geir Sigbiorn Toskedal began his remarks.

“I want to emphasize that the Iranian population is among the youngest populations in the world with more than 40 percent born after the 1979 revolution.

“What I want to say is that they were born and raised under the current dictatorship but on every occasion, they have shown their desire for freedom and democratic values that we cherish in the West.

“In the past ten years, Iran witnessed major uprisings in 2009, in late 2017 and January 2018, and just last year in November 2019 followed by January 2020,” Geir Sigbiorn Toskedal added.

Norwegian MP mentioned the bloody crackdown on the November 2019 protests, saying, “The deadliest attack on the yearning of Iranian youth for a better future in these three major events was last year when 1,500 protesters, mostly young people but including dozens of children were massacred in hundreds of cities across Iran.

“Indiscriminate shootings by the regime’s Revolutionary Guards and security forces, including by snipers, created a shockwave across the world. However, I believe firmly that the international response to a crime of this magnitude was not adequate at all and we need to do a lot more. Re-imposing UN sanctions against this brutal regime is amongst them,” Geir Sigbiorn Toskedal emphasized.

“I want to convey to the Iranian people that I support their cause of human rights, freedom and rule of law in a democratic republic.

“I think it is shameful to try to legitimize this regime and I look forward to a day when all those sacrifices that the young Iranians have made, bear fruit and they can breathe freely in a free, democratic, and pluralistic republic,” he continued.

“History has shown that dictatorships can never outlast the desire of the people who want to be free. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak,” Geir Sigbiorn Toskedal ended.

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