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Iran Regime’s Vaccination Scam

Contradictory remarks by Iran regime’s officials underline their intention of using the Covid-19 vaccine issue as a leverage to lift sanctions, further plunder Iranians, and intentionally increase casualties.

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani: “We considered procuring vaccines from the first months of this year”

Mohammad Reza Naghdi, a top IRGC commander: “We would not use foreign vaccines to vaccinate people”

Homayoun Samehi, Member of the Parliamentary Health Commission, speaking to the state-run Donya-e Eghtesad daily: “It will take at least two years for the vaccine to enter Iran”

Dr. Massoud Mardani – Member of the National Coronavirus Combat Taskforce (NCCT):

“We do not have the money to procure vaccines.”

Ali Rabie, Government spokesperson, December 22, 2020: “We have money, but we have trouble transferring the money.”

Nasser Riahi, President of the Medicine Importers Union: “We have no problem transferring money. We are importing medicine right now.”

Mostafa Ghanei, NCCT member: “We said we do not want the Pfizer vaccine because we cannot store and transport it.”

Ali Rabie, Government spokesperson: “We have a problem because we do not fully implement the FATF.”

Esmail Shah-Mohammadi, Friday Prayers leader in Fereydunshahr, Isfahan province: “The Covid-19 vaccine is unrelated to the FATF issue.”

Mohammad-Javad Larijani, former International Deputy to Iran’s Chief Justice: “The vaccination matter is, actually, propaganda. Our vaccine is undoubtedly better.”

Said Namaki, Iran’s Health Minister, December 23: “We were among the first countries trying to purchase the vaccine.”

Ali Amir Savadkoohi, President of the Intensive Care Association. December 24: “Iran is not in any list of [vaccine] orders of any country.”

Hassan Rouhani: “We are making all efforts to produce a vaccine inside the country.”

Abbas Aghazadeh, Chairman of the General Assembly of the Medical Organization of Iran, December 24: “We wouldn’t produce a vaccine until next year.”

Rouhani: “We cannot hope for a vaccine that has not yet been provided.”

Dr. Payam Tabarsi: “The authorities should change their foreign policies for the sake of the people’s health. They shouldn’t be wasting more time, because people are dying.”

Rouhani, December 26: “We should attempt to purchase the vaccine.”

State-run Hamdeli daily, December 26: “The authorities’ sudden decision to buy the vaccine is their strategy to reduce the people’s pressure over buying the coronavirus vaccine.”

Arman Daily, December 27: “One should be afraid of the day when no one can do anything in front of the volcano of anger, sorrow, and tears, and by then it is too late to express solutions.”

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Iran Regime’s Vaccination Scam