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Kimmo Sassi: Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan is the right path for a better Iran

Kimmo Sassi: Maryam Rajavi's desires are the same values that we all share and we all can agree on for a better Iran.

Kimmo Sassi: Maryam Rajavi's desires are the same values that we all share and we all can agree on for a better Iran.

Kimmo Sassi, Former Finnish Minister and MP, virtually attended an online conference, marking the first anniversary of the November 2019 uprising. The event hosted by the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) homaged the Iranian people’s sacrifices for a free and democratic Iran.

Hundreds of thousands of outrage protesters came into the streets, showing their complaint against the sudden rise of gasoline prices. However, the regime’s security forces responded to defenseless demonstrators with live ammunition, killing at least 1,500 protesters.

During a few days, the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and other oppressive forces did whatever they could to stifle protests, according to the supreme leader Ali Khamenei‘s decree. They arbitrarily detained over 12,000 demonstrators, targeted protesters, and bystanders by heavy machineguns, snipers, and helicopters. However, they merely fueled the people’s wrath against the entire regime.

In his remarks at the NCRI virtual event, Kimmo Sassi expressed her solidarity with the Iranian people’s desire.

“I express my sympathy for the Iranian people. The coronavirus death toll has reached 145000. The official figure is less than a third. The regime lies about the numbers since it fears widespread popular protests as it has not worked hard enough to prevent the spread of the virus,” Kimmo Sassi began his remarks.

“The Iranian regime killed 1500 protesters in November 2019; An international independent fact-finding mission should be appointed to investigate the Iranian regime’s violations against human rights.

“The regime last month hanged the wrestling champion, Navik Afkari. The international community was shocked by the brutality; let me express Navid Afkari Rest in peace,” Kimmo Sassi mentioned the Iranian regime’s brutality against citizens.

He also remind the international condemnations against violations of human rights in Iran and quoted UN Special Rapporteur Javaid Rehman. “Dr. Javaid Rehman, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, presented his report two weeks ago October 26, 2020, to the UN General Assembly session.

“He said: ‘The Government and the judiciary appear to be implementing death sentences against protesters to prevent peaceful dissent and restrict civic space. The recent arbitrary execution of protesters and Navid Afkari for his participation in the August 2018 protests is emblematic of this concern,'” the former Finnish minister added.

“We all know, the Iranian regime is nervous and terrified of popular protests. Mohammad-Reza Shajarian died last month. He was an Iranian vocalist and master (Ostad) of Persian traditional music. He is widely considered one of the greatest Iranian artists of all time. Despite his popularity, the security forces stopped people from attending his funeral falsely claiming coronavirus restrictions. The government is afraid.

“I believe in democracy, human rights, rule of law, and fair market economy without corruption. These values guarantee the best living standard in the world. Freedom is the most effective means to create innovations and a better future and a prosperous culture. History gives evidence to us that freedom always wins and dictatorships fail. It is only a question of time and moment when that happens,” Kimmo Sassi said.

“What can be done to support the Iranian people? The answer is that we, the international community, must stand with the young people of Iran in their desire for a better future. We need sanctions against Iranian leadership and the corrupted Revolutionary Guard.

“We must make it clear that there is no escape from justice and criminal responsibility for violations of human rights when the people take the future of Iran into their hands. We have to promise full cooperation and economic support by European states when Iran leaves the darkest hours of her history behind her and changes the form of government to democracy and guarantees human rights,” Finnish MP continued.

“To realize those dreams the ten-point plan of Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi is the right path. When Maryam Rajavi talks about a modern judiciary when she talks about the separation of religion and state, and when she talks about peaceful coexistence with other countries, these are values that we all share and we all can agree on for a better Iran. Free Iran, Free Iran, and Free Iran,” Kimmo Sassi ended.

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