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Coronavirus Claims 200,000 Victims in Iran

The coronavirus illness has been a test for all governments. The mullahs have shown that not only are they indifferent to the health of the people, but even worse, they see this deadly virus as a “blessing” and an “opportunity” to extend their rule, to the point that each day the death toll rises in Iran, surpassing the 200,000 thresholds.

The mullahs play with people’s lives through their inhumane Coronavirus policies


The mullahs play with people’s lives through their inhumane Coronavirus policies

COVID-19 Claims 200,000 Victims in Iran


The novel coronavirus crisis and the mullahs’ inhumane policies and inaction, including sending people to work where the virus is prevalent, refusing to pay the costs of a quarantine, and providing no prospect for a vaccine, have turned the people of Iran into the most vulnerable victims of this pandemic.

The coronavirus illness has been a test for all governments. The mullahs have shown that not only are they indifferent to the health of the people, but even worse, they see this deadly virus as a “blessing” and an “opportunity” to extend their rule, to the point that each day the death toll rises in Iran, surpassing the 200,000 thresholds.

From the outset when the virus reached Iran, unlike other governments, Iran’s regime failed to adopt standard procedures such as issuing an urgent alert, imposing quarantine measures, providing for the people’s necessary provisions during quarantine, and increasing medical facilities to control the disease. Instead, its policy was to minimize the threat and cover up the realities.

200,000 coronavirus casualties, a crime committed by the mullah regime in Iran

After 200,000 deaths, public demand for a viable vaccine is growing louder each day. Yet, there are no signs that the authorities are dedicating a budget or adequately administrating the situation or even preparing the necessary resources.

The regime’s leaders resort to any excuse to justify their inaction, and officials even lay the blame on various obstacles in the way of purchasing and importing vaccines. As in the case of Covid-19, they have turned its vaccine into a political issue as well, which will only result in a rising death toll.“The root of all the problems is the White House!” said Hassan Rouhani on December 9.

Hemmati, head of Central Bank, also claimed on December 7 that U.S.sanctions do not permit the transfer of funds or the purchase of the vaccine through COVAX!

Meanwhile, COVAX, the organization endorsed by the WHO to distribute the vaccine, immediately responded that there was no “legal barrier” before Iran procuring vaccines through COVAX as the U.S.Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control had issued a license covering coronavirus vaccine procurement.

Iran’s state-controlled Aftab-e Yazd daily wrote on December 14: “Regarding the coronavirus vaccine, officials have said that it is not possible to import foreign vaccines, but we are witnessing that vaccines have been imported from reliable countries and are being used by officials, along with their children and associates.” It is thus clear that the problem lies not in sanctions, the US or bank transfers.

In reality, importing vaccines from trusted international companies would eliminate the huge profit that could otherwise be made by pharmaceutical cartels that are essentially run by the IRGC. Thus, the regime’s officials are hyping up a so-called ‘domestic vaccine’ to pay its price with the lives of the people even if the mullahs’ policies cause the death toll to 200,000.


Thus, it is crystal clear that bogus claims such as ‘sanctions’, ‘US restrictions’ and ‘restrictions on wire transfers’ are simply excuses to not import credible COVID-19 vaccines to vaccinate Iran’s general public. They pave the path to sacrifice the Iranian people and crossing the 200,000 deaths threshold. All of this is so that the potential for profit by the Revolutionary Guards(IRGC) pharmaceutical mafia does not disappear. In reality, Khamenei and Rouhani do not want to provide a vaccine, unless they are forced to under pressure by the people.
For ten months the regime benefited from the coronavirus to delay an uprising. Now the mullahs’ mafia are using its vaccine to make sure that the people’s attention and energy is not diverted from the coronavirus.

The exponential rise in the death toll, which has surpassed 200,000, indicates that this crisis will continue. If the regime genuinely wanted to control the virus, it would have supported the nation financially like other countries so that people would remain under quarantine without concerns over how to provide food for their families.
All the facts and the last ten months of the coronavirus in Iran indicate that the mullahs’ regime neither wants to nor can bring the virus under control.

Since Khamenei’s number one priority is preserving his regime, he will use the nation’s resources on nothing other than their nuclear weapons initiatives, exporting terrorism, and funding his suppressive forces to counter any uprising. In one word, he seeks only to maintain his detested religious dictatorship intact.
Therefore, the only solution for ridding Iran of the coronavirus is to rid Iran of the mullahs’ regime.

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