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Global Conference Regarding the Conviction of Iran’s Terrorist Diplomat by European Court

On Thursday, February 4, 2021, the Belgian Court of Antwerp announced its ruling on Assadollah Assadi, the terrorist-diplomat of the clerical regime, along with three of the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence agents following two and a half years of investigations into the failed terrorist plot to bomb the Free Iran Grand Gathering that was taking place in the Parisian suburb of Villepinte in June 2018.

The president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Maryam Rajavi spoke out at a virtual global conference as the Court proceeded with the sentencing of the four Iranian agents, in which she was connected with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) members, private plaintiffs of the court case, international dignitaries, and supporters of the Iranian Resistance who were waiting outside the court in Belgium.

Referring to the court proceedings, she stated: “The conviction of the regime’s diplomat and his three intelligence agents in a Belgian court is indeed the conviction of the clerical regime in its entirety.”

The sentencing will see Assadi spend 20 years in prison, with his three accomplices sentenced to 18, 17 and 15 years behind bars. The trio who were hired by Assadi will also have their Belgian nationalities annulled.

Maryam Rajavi explained during the conference that the rulings were a heavy political and diplomatic blow to the clerical regime in Iran and they mark an end to the deceptions of the regime’s factions to cover up their roles in terrorist crimes.

During investigations into the failed plot, the regime attempted to score deals with or blackmail other governments into swapping their terrorist-diplomat but ultimately failed.

Seeing the joy of the participants of the conference when the ruling was read out, Maryam Rajavi said: “These victories will continue. The regime will be condemned consecutively in international bodies, and will be ultimately overthrown at the hands of the Iranian people and Resistance, and by the Resistance units and the Army of Freedom.”

In the past, the regime has attempted to blame the PMOI and the NCRI for terrorist activity, by pursuing cases filled with false allegations and through terror listings in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France. All of which have been subsequently struck down in court because of a lack of evidence against the Iranian Resistance.

Coincidentally, the day of the ruling and the global virtual conference, February 4, marked the 6th anniversary of the final ruling of the French Judiciary in which the allegation of terrorism against the Iranian Resistance was struck down.

Maryam Rajavi said: “On that day, justice in Europe exonerated the Iranian Resistance from the trumped-up charge of terrorism…but today, justice in Europe condemned real terrorism and terrorists operating under the banner of Islam and Shiism, namely the clerical regime’s religious dictatorship.”

She expressed this was the result of the sacrifices made by martyrs, such as Professor Kazem Rajavi and other opponents of the regime, who lost their lives during terrorist operations carried out by the regime outside of Iran for the past four decades.

Maryam Rajavi said: “It is befitting today to congratulate the people of Iran…because they are the main victims of the regime’s terrorism and suppression.”

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Global Conference Regarding the Conviction of Iran’s Terrorist Diplomat by European Court