Iran Freedom

Iran’s Regime Accelerates Nuclear Program Due to EU Concessions

The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) have stated that according to Reuters, the Iranian regime accelerated their nuclear program on uranium enrichment to near weapons-grade, just days after their new president, Ebrahim Raisi was inaugurated.

In a report from Reuters, it said that in May, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had stated that the regime was using one cascade of advanced centrifuges to enrich uranium metal to 60%. Earlier this week, the IAEA made member states aware that a second cascade was being used for the same purpose. Reuters wrote, “The move is the latest of many by Iran breaching the restrictions imposed by the 2015 nuclear deal, which capped the purity to which Tehran can refine uranium at 3.67%.”

The NCRI said, “In February 2021, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed the regime had produced 3.6 grams of uranium metal at the Isfahan nuclear plant. While the regime claimed it has “civilian purposes” of producing uranium metal, the European signatories of the 2015 nuclear deal expressed “grave concern” and described these actions as a “key step in the development of a nuclear weapon.”

The spokesman for the U.S. Department of State, Ned Price, spoke out following the release of the IAEA report on the increase in production of uranium metal and said that there is no credible reason or need for the regime to produce uranium metal.

The NCRI said, “In January 2019, Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, acknowledged that the Arak heavy water facility remained fully operational even though the JCPOA determined that its core was to be deactivated and filled with cement.”

Mahmoud Alavi, the regime’s former Minister of Intelligence, spoke out in February of this year, acknowledging the nuclear ambitions of the regime, and blamed outside sources pushing Iran towards that direction.

Instead of holding the regime to account for its malign activities, the powers of the European Union have given incentive packages to the regime and wrongly pushed for negotiations, encouraging the regime to continue with its nuclear weapons program without the fear of facing any consequences.

The NCRI said, “Unfortunately, to hold the regime in the negotiations, the E.U. powers consented to the mullahs’ nuclear extortion. While the world condemned the recent appointing of Raisi, a known human rights violator, as the regime’s president, the European Union sent one of its top diplomats to Raisi’s inauguration on August 5.”

At an event in July, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stated that the regime has been attempting to deceive the world by hiding its nuclear program, while the international community has been trying to cease the project by granting concessions to the regime.

She said, “…any agreement that does not completely close down the regime’s bomb-making, enrichment and nuclear facilities is unacceptable. And the Iranian people will not accept it.”

The NCRI said, “These weak reactions to the regime’s new administration, which consists of thieves and terrorists tasked with prolonging its life, would only encourage the regime to continue its nuclear extortion. The regime is not far from obtaining a nuclear weapon, and giving concessions would only lead to an international catastrophe.”

Iran: Natanz uranium enrichment facility 250 km south of the Iranian capital Tehran
Iran: Natanz uranium enrichment facility 250 km south of the Iranian capital Tehran
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