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Iran’s Regime IRGC: A State-Sponsored Terrorist Organization

Iran's Regime IRGC: A State-Sponsored Terrorist Organization

The central focus of this article is the role of the IRGC as a state-sponsored sponsor of terrorism in Iran and the broader Middle East region. It also emphasizes the seriousness of the issue by using the term “terrorist organization” to describe the IRGC.

Some titles that have been published by The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), or their affiliates on this topic include:

  1. “Iran’s Emissaries of Terror: How the IRGC Destabilizes the Middle East” by Ali Safavi (NCRI-US Foreign Affairs Committee)
  2. Iran IRGC: The Machinery of Terrorism, by the NCRI-US.
  3. The Rise of the IRGC Financial Empire, by the NCRI-US.
  4. IRAN: IRGC’s Rising Drone Threat, by the NCRI-US.

Here are brief summaries for each of the titles:

  1. “Iran’s Emissaries of Terror: How the IRGC Destabilizes the Middle East” by Ali Safavi (NCRI-US Foreign Affairs Committee)

This book by Ali Safavi, a member of the NCRI-US Foreign Affairs Committee, provides a detailed account of the activities of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in the Middle East, with a particular focus on its role in sponsoring terrorism. The book argues that the IRGC’s support for extremist groups has contributed to instability and violence in the region, and that designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization is a necessary step in countering its activities.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and its extraterritorial arm, the Quds Force (IRGC-QF) continue to sponsor and fund terrorism. The fiscal year (starting March 2022) shows a 240% increase in the budget allocated to the IRGC. This is in addition to special funds directly controlled by the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, which would help fund terrorism by the IRGC-QF.

The report provides a compelling argument for why the IRGC belongs to the US Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) list and why Tehran persistently demands its exclusion from it. The report is organized into six chapters.

This manuscript examines some vital factors and trends, including the overwhelming and accelerating influence (especially since 2005) of the Supreme Leader and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). This study shows how ownership of property in various spheres of the economy is gradually shifted from the population writ large towards a minority ruling elite comprised of the Supreme Leader’s office and the IRGC, using 14 powerhouses.

“IRAN: IRGC’s Rising Drone Threat; A Desperate Regime’s Ploy to Project Power, Incite War” offers a review of the most important organs of production, use, and export of UAVs by the regime, and in particular the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The clerical regime has resorted to the production of weapons and equipment that can be used for terrorist and warmongering activities intended to advance its policy of creating crises and fueling terrorism.

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Iran’s Regime IRGC: A State-Sponsored Terrorist Organization