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British MPs Commemorate Iran’s 2022 Uprising and Stand in Solidarity with the Resistance

British MPs Commemorate Iran's 2022 Uprising and Stand in Solidarity with the Resistance

On September 12th, members of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords within the UK Parliament gathered alongside representatives from the Iranian Resistance. The purpose of their meeting was to mark the first anniversary of the 2022 uprising and reassert their commitment to supporting the Iranian people’s pursuit of freedom and democracy. Furthermore, they called upon the UK government to classify the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, delivered a keynote address during the event. Expressing her appreciation for the endorsement of 525 members of the UK Parliament from both houses in support of the Iranian Resistance, Mrs. Rajavi announced, “Around the world, 1,000 distinguished women recognized for their leadership, achievements in science, arts, and social affairs have issued a statement in support of the crucial role of women in the Iranian Resistance, on the eve of the Iran uprising’s anniversary. This declaration symbolizes international solidarity with the courageous women and girls in Iran.”

She further emphasized, “Despite claims by the regime and its supporters that the uprisings have been completely suppressed and that the regime has grown stronger, the reality tells a different story. The regime is, in fact, more fragile and vulnerable, as the deep-seated economic, social, and political crises that fueled the uprising persist. The situation has deteriorated across the board, with escalating executions, mass arrests, and increased suppression, indicating the regime’s fear of another uprising. Regime officials continuously express concerns about the growing support for the PMOI among the younger generation, who are joining the Resistance.”

Rejecting the Western appeasement policy towards the clerical dictatorship in Iran, Mrs. Rajavi added, “All governments should remember that in 1978, world powers considered Iran under the Shah to be a bastion of stability. However, the Shah’s regime was toppled within a year by the people’s uprising and the will of the majority. Today, the mullahs’ regime is even more fragile, and the policy of appeasement should be discarded. It only emboldens the mullahs’ terrorist regime to commit more human rights abuses in Iran, engage in terrorism, and hostage-taking. This policy has prolonged the regime’s rule, and it’s time for a new approach, one that relies on the Iranian people and their aspirations rather than oppressive rulers.”

“On behalf of the Iranian Resistance, I want to express gratitude for your support of the right cause. Time is working against the regime and in favor of the Iranian people. Now is the time to take all necessary measures to hold the criminals, namely Khamenei, Raisi, and other oppressors of the Iranian people accountable. The Iranian people’s revolution will succeed. As the late Lord Corbett said, ‘Iran will be free. Yes, this regime will be overthrown, and a democratic republic will be established,'” she concluded.

MP Theresa Villiers, UK Secretary of State for Environment and Northern Ireland in 2020, stated, “The events of the last four decades have been marked by bloodshed and oppression in Iran. The theocratic regime in Iran stands as one of the world’s worst human rights violators. It has been my long-held view, and I continue to believe, that the IRGC is responsible for numerous atrocities. I firmly believe that the IRGC should be designated as the terrorist organization that it undoubtedly is. We must go further and reflect on the horrors perpetrated by the IRGC, not only within Iran, but also across regions where its proxies are engaged in conflict throughout the Middle East.”

Baroness Sandy Verma, former minister of Energy, Climate Change, and International Development, emphasized, “So many lives have been lost, and countless individuals, including children, have suffered at the hands of a regime that has zero respect for human rights. It’s essential for us to unite and acknowledge that the issue we are addressing will not disappear until the world recognizes it for what it is. This cause has drawn the support of many, and it’s noteworthy that it is led by a visionary with a plan. The Ten-Point Plan put forth by Madam Rajavi is not just a blueprint for Iran; it is an ideal for numerous countries worldwide where human rights are violated.”

Baroness Nuala O’Loan added, “I come from Northern Ireland and have experienced violent situations, but nothing compares to the scale of what is happening in Iran today. It takes immense courage for young people to take to the streets, knowing they might be arrested or killed. We must respect their bravery. We witness the courage of those who stand against oppression, terror, and disappearances. It is essential to recognize that these atrocities occur in Iran with no regard for human rights. Calls for the UK to address this crisis include establishing an international investigative and accountability mechanism to collect evidence of serious crimes under international law. We must also use our universal jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute Iranian officials involved in these crimes.”

MP Toby Perkins, Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs, noted, “The past year has seen a nationwide uprising in Iran, with the people’s bravery shining through despite the danger posed by the IRGC and the theocratic regime’s oppression. A free Iran is the ultimate aspiration for its people and for global peace. It is crucial to exert international pressure for the proscription of the IRGC as a terrorist organization, reevaluating negotiations in the context of human rights abuses, and acknowledging that the regime lacks legitimacy.”

Lord Indarjit Singh stressed, “The conduct of the Iranian regime over 44 years, marked by cruelty, inhumanity, and degradation of its 88 million people who never recognized its legitimacy, is unfathomable. We have witnessed countless Iranians standing up against the regime, and over 120,000 people have been executed by it, with a significant portion hanged during the summer of 1988. I stand in solidarity with the brave people of Iran and their aspiration for a free, democratic, and secular nation. Proscribing the IRGC as a terrorist organization is an urgent necessity, given its role in domestic repression and international repression.”

Naghmeh Rajabi, a business graduate and member of the Anglo-Iranian community, shared, “The success of this revolution is guaranteed by the lives sacrificed bravely on the streets of Iran. The lives lost in the pursuit of a free Iran have not been in vain. We see this in every corner of the country, through the actions of the courageous Resistance Units and the determination of political prisoners inside Iran’s jails.

Despite the worsening turmoil within the country, the regime remains unwilling and incapable of bringing about real change. Instead, it intensifies suppression, arrests dissenters, and conducts executions. The regime particularly targets supporters of the main opposition group, the PMOI, recognizing the movement’s charismatic leader, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.”

“The revolution transcends matters related to women’s hijab; it encompasses the rights of those who have been victims of the regime due to their political, religious, or human rights beliefs. I am personally a victim of the Iranian regime’s brutality, having lost family members. The Iranian people’s slogans, such as ‘Down with the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Supreme Leader,’ convey a desire for true freedom and democracy. We should listen to and support the Iranian people in their pursuit of a democratic Republic,” she added.

Baroness Liz Redfern emphasized, “The Ten-Point Plan proposed by the NCRI offers a credible and dependable alternative. It calls for a non-nuclear, secular, and democratic Republic that upholds the rights of women and minorities. Additionally, it advocates for various other essential reforms.”

Martyn Day, SNP Spokesperson for Health in the House of Commons, expressed, “As a democratic politician, I am typically cautious about advocating for regime change in foreign nations, believing that they should address their internal issues. However, Iran presents a unique case due to its oppressive, undemocratic nature, both domestically and on the international stage, where it poses a threat to global democracy. Therefore, I believe regime change is necessary and imminent. Our country should take more significant actions.”

MP Liam Fox, former UK Defense Secretary, stressed, “The significance of the one-year mark since Massa Amini’s ordeal lies not only in remembering the unjust treatment of an innocent young woman but in the broader international reminder of the regime’s brutality and inhumanity. Iran is not just another authoritarian regime; it is a thugocracy with a malign theocracy at its core, making it exceptionally dangerous. The IRGC, which controls Iran’s means of production, is deeply implicated in war crimes, including supplying drones used by Russia against Ukraine. It serves as an export hub for terrorism, necessitating its proscription by the British government. Leadership in Iran should be determined by the free will of the Iranian people, without external interference.”

MP Anna Firth added, “It is my privilege to share a statement signed by 1000 prominent women as we approach the anniversary of the people’s uprising. This statement carries significant weight, with over 1000 prominent women from 67 countries and five continents expressing their support and highlighting the courageous women of Iran, recognizing their pivotal role in the uprising and in other nations. Signatories include 50 current and former Presidents, Vice Presidents, Prime Ministers, ministers, Nobel Prize Laureates, artists, and athletes. This historic statement endorses the Ten-Point Plan put forth by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, which champions freedom, equality, and a democratic Republic, emphasizing gender equality.”

MP Bob Blackman praised the NCRI, the PMOI, and NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi for leading the resistance, acknowledging that while not all Iranians support these groups, they represent a democratic alternative to the current regime. He highlighted the regime’s focus on attacking individuals in Ashraf 3 in Albania and its efforts to take hostages and exert pressure on Western governments. Blackman underscored the IRGC’s threat to democracy and Western interests, particularly its use of secret trade networks to fund repression and terrorism, calling for condemnation of these actions and recognizing the inevitability of the Iranian people’s uprising due to the regime’s inability and unwillingness to address social problems.

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British MPs Commemorate Iran’s 2022 Uprising and Stand in Solidarity with the Resistance