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Remarks by Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, former Vice President of the European Parliament at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit

Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, former Vice President of the European Parliament and co-founder of the ISJ

On June 29, 2024, the Free Iran 2024 World Summit took place at the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) headquarters in Paris. Simultaneously, the grand rally of Free Iran 2024 was held in Berlin. Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, former Vice President of the European Parliament and co-founder of the International Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ), delivered a powerful speech to the grand rally of thousands of Iranians in Berlin.

The full text of Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras’s speech follows:

Good afternoon to you all. It’s a great pleasure and a privilege for me to enjoy your company here in Berlin today and to do it alive and in good health. Yes, alive despite the plot of the Iranian dictatorship that sent a hitman to kill me on the 9th of November, eight months ago now.

A miracle, a miracle happened. Your prayers were listened to and I survived, severely wounded, but fortunately, I have recovered to continue the fight hand in hand, to continue the fight hand in hand with you to liberate Iran from its executioners until we bring full democracy, shining freedom and human dignity to the Iranian people.

It is time to break the chains that have oppressed Iran for 45 years and to build a new country, peaceful, and prosperous, where men and women are equal, the rule of law prevails and war-mongering comes to an end.

Let us, our imagination fly, and our indomitable will be fortified with the vision of an Iran respected in the world, admired by other nations, and attracted for visitors and investment. An Iran with a clean environment, decent jobs for everyone, and a blooming civil society. An Iran where no position is forbidden for women, with women judges, mayors of cities, ministers and presidents of the republic.

Yes, yes, presidents of the republic, and if the president elected by the people is Maryam Rajavi, even better. This vision, this vision is what gives me the strength to endure any suffering and a load of living under permanent protection because I am now one more, one more among the many thousands of Iranian freedom fighters that have resisted torture, prison, and even the loss of their most beloved ones and that makes me to feel proud of being part, a tiny and humble part, but a very committed one of an undertaking of such ambition, self-sacrifice, and courage.

I have a question for the governments of Western democracies on both sides of the Atlantic. What else must happen for them to realize that appeasement, dialogue, negotiations, and concessions do not work when dealing with the mullahs? How, how many, how many more people have they to kill? How many more wars have they to trigger? How many more terrorist actions against dissidents or supporters of the resistance have they to perpetrate out of Iran for these politicians that are supposedly democrats and committed to the defense of human rights be convinced that fair action is needed that the embassies of the regime in Paris, in London, in Rome, in Brussels, in Madrid, in Berlin, in Washington and the rest of capitals of true democracies must be closed?

All, agents of this monstrosity called the Islamic Republic of Iran must be expelled and the fanatical and criminal regime of the mullahs must be isolated, rejected, and forced to fall. All, all the diplomatic effort and financial resources that the Western governments waste to try to achieve success to appease a bunch of malignant enemies should be used to help the struggle of the Iranian people to import the Ten-Point Plan of Maryam Rajavi, to give birth to a new Iran where men and women, old and young, whatever their beliefs, their political opinions or their cultural identity can live in harmony as free and equal as citizens and not as subject of a plague of corrupt and misogynistic clerics.

Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, former Vice President of the European Parliament and co-founder of the ISJ

When I decided in 2008 to go to Ashraf in Iraq despite the dangers, I read Massoud Rajavi’s writings and encountered thoughts and reflections that today’s world needs. Thoughts that I regret have been overshadowed by the Iranian regime, misinformation campaign, and the West’s weak policies.

The dream of Iran’s freedom is closer to reality today than ever. What happened yesterday in the Iran sham elections, both the people’s boycott and the unacceptable power struggle within the regime alongside the remarkable and ongoing activities of the PMOI Resistance Units has made this dream more achievable.

I mentioned Massoud, Massoud Rajavi. Even though I have never seen him, he’s very familiar to me, a true leader, a man who by standing against a brutal, honest lot of religious fundamentalism changed the course of history and raised a generation that has not got tired of resistance for 45 years.

Without him and his generation, we would be facing a medieval caliphate next door today. He rescued Islam from the clutches of the mullahs, and he must be thanked as well as our extraordinary leader, Maryam Rajavi for that.

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