Iran Freedom

Remarks by Former Kosovan PM Avdullah Hoti at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit

Former Kosovan PM Avdullah Hoti

On June 29, 2024,  at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit hosted at the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) headquarters in Paris, MP and former Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah delivered a speech. Mr. Hoti expressed unwavering support for the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and democracy. Hoti emphasized that the presence of delegates from around the world demonstrates a determined commitment to supporting Iran’s democratic aspirations.

The full text of former Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti’s speech follows:

Thank you. Thank you very much, Honorable Madam Rajavi, dignitaries, members of parliaments, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of the Kosovo delegation, MP Selemanaj and MP Hoxhaj, both former Deputy Prime Ministers, and the colleague from Montenegro, Member of Parliament Nikolla Camaj, it’s my great honor to address this distinguished audience.

As young countries, Kosovo and Montenegro are part of the efforts of the democratic world supporting the Iranian people for freedom and democracy. I believe our presence today from around the world shows our determined support to the people of Iran. Today is clear that the current oppressive regime cannot last. I believe soon it will be regarded as an unfortunate incident in the great history of the Iranian people. History has taught us that all oppressive regimes ultimately fail.

Honorable Madam Rajavi, you have our sympathy and support, as always. And sometimes it might seem that your efforts are not bringing the change that you seek for your people. But remember that you are the only hope for millions of boys and girls who want to live a free and decent life. For men and women who want to raise their children happy and free. For university professors and scholars who want to be part of the global academic community. For doctors and nurses who have to take care of those tortured by the regime. And for students, young talents, and entrepreneurs who aspire to travel the world.

But are we, the democratic world, doing enough to support the resistance of the Iranian people for freedom? I believe this is open to debate. It is true that sanctions to the Iranian regime must be better targeted to make sure the regime is directly hit. And they should be unlimited and coordinated across the democratic world. In addition, we should be clear and give clear signals to all those individuals who are responsible for human rights abuses, tortures, and execution, that they will be punished.

Ladies and gentlemen, the resistance of the people of Iran today is stronger. And the support of the democratic world is stronger. We have seen new developments last month. I firmly believe that God works in mysterious ways. And we have seen this throughout history. God supports those who pursue justice. And I believe now it’s time for Madam Rajavi’s team to start preparing how the free Iranian society is going to be organized. How human rights and democracy will be cemented and how the faith, culture, and diversity of the Iranian people are going to coexist in a free and democratic Iran. I believe this will mobilize people inside and outside Iran.

Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues from Europe and America, let us work together. Let us make sure that our governments are fully committed and supportive of the struggle of the Iranian people for freedom and democracy. Let us make sure that there is no compromise by the democratic world to this regime. God bless the people of Iran.

Thank you.


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