Iran Freedom

Remarks by Former Norwegian MP Lars Rise at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 3

Former Norwegian MP Lars Rise

On July 1, 2024,  at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 3 hosted at the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) headquarters in Paris, Lars Rise, former Norwegian Member of Parliament, delivered a powerful speech.

Mr. Rise highlighted Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan as a transformative vision for Iran, aligning with the principles of the European Convention on Human Rights. He urged the international community to adopt this plan to realize the aspirations of the Iranian people for a free, prosperous, and peaceful Iran.

The full text of Lars Rise’s speech follows:

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, all my friends in Ashraf, all political prisoners in Iran. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen.

For more than 25 years, I have been working side by side and been part of the Iranian Resistance. Through this period of time, I have observed a substantial change that may have a global impact. The encouraging news is that we are in a much stronger state now than ever before, while the regime is more vulnerable than ever before.

During these years, I have encountered a multitude of allegations against our movement. Since the day I first voiced my support as a Norwegian parliamentarian, these accusations have been relentless. However, my own examination of each claim has revealed them all to be baseless. These falsehoods have been propagated by the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security, the MOIS, its operatives, and sometimes refugees who would come to my office in the parliament with poor clothing and with some homemade leaflets saying that they were survivors from the MEK. And all those claims have been further promoted by regime-friendly media and advocates of appeasement towards the mullahs.

When lies are repeated over and over again, in the end, they will pollute the minds or people in a way that they start slowly to accept at least parts of these lies to be documented facts.

In a situation with growing instability, Teheran has intensified its efforts to undermine the resistance movement, creating an illusion that regime change is impossible. A clear example of the regime’s fear of the resistance is the sham trial. They have set up in absentia for leadership of the Resistance and more than 100 of its members. They publicly acknowledge that they want to prevent the growing trend of young people joining the movement and also to lay the groundwork for terrorism abroad.

Within Iran, the clerical regime maintains its grip through severe repression to silence any organized opposition. Nevertheless, as we have seen on the walls here, the MEK counters these tactics with Resistant Units. We saw 20,000 of them, small, effective teams operating in neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces. These units are crucial in sparking and sustaining protests, defying regime, crackdowns, and mobilizing widespread dissent against oppression.

The regime itself acknowledges the organizational strengths of these units and their potential to influence broader uprising recognizing and supporting these resistance units is crucial for the global community in challenging the Revolutionary Guard and advancing a free and democratic Iran. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan presents a transformative vision for Iran, addressing the oppressive, violent, and war-mongering history of the Mullah’s regime over the past 45 years.

Former Norwegian MP Lars Rise

The plan aims to eradicate the Shah’s and the Mullah’s dark legacy and pave the way for a free, prosperous, and peaceful Iran. The Ten-Point Plan is equal to the main principles of the European Convention on Human Rights. Adopting Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan is crucial for realizing the aspirations of the Iranian people. This pathway leads to peace in the region and a free, prosperous, and globally respected Iran.

Now, to all of you political prisoners in Iran, we actually know what happened three days ago on election day. Political prisoners in the notorious Evin Prison, eighth, sixth, fourth, and the women’s wards, as well as political prisoners in the Ghezel Hesar Prisons and Greater Tehran Prison, and all political prisons in different cities of the country, they boycotted the regime’s fake elections. We praise them for this. They paid a heavy price for this boycott. They are now facing a lot of repression, torture, and psychological pressure.

The prisoners bravely did not allow ballot boxes in the prison. Political prisoners issued a statement affirming that “It’s not the time to vote, but to stand up.” It was a quote from the political prisoners. “Our vote, like the majority of the Iranian people, is the overthrow of this regime in its entirety,” they confirmed.

In addition to political prisoners, the vast majority of ordinary non-political prisoners also abstained from voting. They had received premises to be provided with many facilities and privileges if they voted, but they refused to vote.

To all political prisoners, we know most of you belong to the PMOI. I have this message. We stand with you and we will not forget you. You are an encouragement to the whole world. Your perseverance, your firm conviction, and your love for your country, and never giving up hope for freedom.

Azadi. Azadi.

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