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Remarks by Former Polish Minister Ryszard Kalisz at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2

Former Polish Minister Ryszard Kalisz

On June 30, 2024,  at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2 hosted at the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) headquarters in Paris, Ryszard Kalisz, former Minister of Interior and Administration of Poland, delivered a compelling speech.

Mr. Kalisz praised the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) as the true representative of the Iranian people and lauded Mrs. Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan as a vision of hope and a pathway to a free, peaceful, and democratic Iran. He emphasized that the international community must send a clear message to the Iranian regime that their crimes will not be tolerated.

A refined version of Minister Kalisz’s speech follows:

Madam Rajavi, we gather here united by our shared commitment to freedom, justice, and human dignity, especially for the people of Iran who have endured the oppressive yoke of tyranny for far too long. We must speak firmly and represent all democratic states: no economic relations with Iran, no legal relations with Iran, and more sanctions for Iran. Iran is a dictatorship, and every regime will collapse. The dictatorship in Iran will collapse as well.

Today, no democratic country should assist the Ayatollah’s theocratic dictatorship in Iran. It is shameful and deeply troubling that democratic nations continue to appease the Iranian regime.

On June 8th, the Swedish government, in a display of capitulation, released Hamid Noury, allowing him to return to Iran. A similar situation occurred in Belgium last year when the Belgian government freed Asad Al-Assadi, a terrorist diplomat of the regime, allowing him to return to Iran.

No cooperation with Ayatollah’s Iran. Helping Iran is an activity against freedom, against a democratic and secular country in Iran, and against freedom worldwide. Today, the National Council of Resistance of Iran is the representative of the Iranian people.

Mrs. Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan is not just a document; it is a vision of hope and a pathway to a future where the Iranian people can live in freedom, peace, and democracy. It is a comprehensive blueprint for a democratic Iran that respects the rights of each citizen and upholds the rule of law.

As we stand here today, let us send a clear message to the Iranian regime: the international community will not tolerate your crimes. We stand with the people of Iran, their legitimate resistance, and the Iranian resistance inside the country. We support the struggle for a free, democratic, and secular Iran.

We are from Poland. Poland won against the Communist system and dictatorship in 1989. Remember, three years later, the Soviet Union collapsed. Iran, and its dictatorship, will collapse as well.

Thank you.

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Remarks by Former Polish Minister Ryszard Kalisz at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2