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Remarks by Former Portuguese Minister Ricardo Serrão Santos at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2

Former Portuguese Minister Ricardo Serrão Santos

On June 30, 2024,  at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2 hosted at the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) headquarters in Paris, Ricardo da Piedade Abreu Serrão Santos, former Minister of Maritime Affairs of Portugal, delivered a compelling speech.

Mr. Santos emphasized the role of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which has been actively opposing the regime for 43 years, presenting a viable and democratic alternative. He praised Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan as a beacon of hope and a clear roadmap for a free and democratic Iran.

The full text of former Minister Santos’s speech follows:

Ladies and gentlemen, dear Madame Maryam Rajavi, I feel it is important to highlight the critical and urgent situation in Iran, where manipulated elections give the false impression of democracy. This deception is clear to all, including the regime’s international supporters, some of whom are ashamed accomplices. The Iranian regime maintains its power by perpetuating the myth that no alternative exists. This is clearly a narcissist mullah deception. This narrative is powerfully challenged by those who are represented here.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran has been actively opposing the regime for 43 years, offering a democratic and viable alternative. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan exemplifies strong leadership and a commitment to democratic principles, providing a clear roadmap for a free and democratic Iran. This is a beacon of hope in the current situation.

As someone who hangs from Portugal, as an academician who has dedicated part of my active life to politics, as a member of the European Parliament first, and then a minister in the Portuguese government, I have always valued free thinking, accessible speaking, free press, freedom of religion, freedom of opinion, and freedom of clothing, what one can wear or not.

These fundamental freedoms, cherished in academic institutions, are suppressed in Iran under a cleric-led regime of mullahs. There is also an undiscussable and inadmissible segregation of women. Women in academia in Iran face specific safety and mobility challenges. Harassment threats, both within and outside academic settings, create, in fact, an environment of fear and insecurity.

Restrictions on travel and participation in international conferences further isolate Iranian women scholars from the global academic community, hindering their professional growth and contribution to global knowledge.

The NCRI’s dedication to gender equality is commendable. Over 60% of its members are women, demonstrating the organization’s commitment to democratic values. That makes a lot of difference. Mariam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan explicitly promotes full gender equality across political, social, cultural, academic, and economic domains. It ensures women’s equal participation in political leadership, eliminates all forms of discrimination, guarantees the right to choose, and ensures free access to education and employment.

It also bans all forms of exploitation of women. The NCRI, led by Mrs. Mariam Rajavi, has been at the front of resistance against the Iranian regime. It is not merely an exiled group but has consistently fought against the government, with significant risks to inspire and lead Resistance Units within Iran.

Mrs. Rajavi’s unwavering commitment to democratic values and her clear vision for a free and democratic Iran make her cause the legitimate alternative to the current regime. Dear Mrs. Rajavi, your fight is our fight. It is the fight for freedom and democracy.

Thank you very much.


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Remarks by Former Portuguese Minister Ricardo Serrão Santos at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2