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The Free Iran World Summit 2019

Remarks by Former US Senator Robert Torricelli at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit

Former US Senator Robert Torricelli

On June 29, 2024, the Free Iran 2024 World Summit took place at the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) headquarters in Paris. Simultaneously, the grand rally of Free Iran 2024 was held in Berlin. Former US Senator Robert Torricelli passionately addressed to the thousands of Iranians gathered at the Berlin rally.

The full text of Senator Torricelli’s speech follows:

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Bob Torricelli. I am a former American senator, but today I’m a free Iranian just like you. It is not by chance that we meet today in Berlin. There is no other city in the world that demonstrates more vividly the commitment of a people to be free. The very name Berlin is synonymous with the struggle for freedom and for liberty. It was here that all the free people of the world said enough, no more tyranny, no more oppression.

This city and this country will be free. And today we gather with a simple and humble request. What was good for Berlin then is good for the people of Iran now. We want to be free. Do the children of Iran deserve less? Does another generation need to live in abject poverty? Do the women of Iran need to live under complete suppression? Must a religious dictatorship deny all freedom of speech and worship?

Forty years ago, the Iranian revolution was stolen from the people. We are here today in Berlin and in Paris to demand the time is up. It is time for free Iran. No more stealing our freedom.

I know that the leaders of Europe and around the world will say the regime may be bad, but there is no alternative. You are looking at the alternative. It is the Iranian people themselves. I know leaders of Europe will say, but there is no plan. There is a plan. There is a plan. Maryam Rajavi’s plan, the Ten-Point Plan.

Former US Senator Robert Torricelli

Gender equality, peace for the world, non-nuclear, religious freedom, freedom of speech, there is a plan. We have the plan. It is the Ten-Point Plan. To the leaders of Europe and the world, we challenge this. Be on the right side of history.

As the years pass, you will not want to explain to a free generation of Iranians that you chose oil sales or automobile sales or goods and services. You are trinkets of gold rather than standing with the free people of Iran. Be on the right side of history. Stand with us. Stand for a free Iran.

In the streets of every Iranian city, people have voted with their feet. People have risked their lives in demonstrations. They put their lives on the line. Yesterday, 88% of the Iranian people stood home, stood against the regime, and would not participate in a sham election. What else do you need to hear?

The people of Iran want to be free. Today, you will hear from international voices who stand with you. You are not alone. The free Iranian people are not alone. You have friends around the world. It is a rising tide that will drown them all.

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Remarks by Former US Senator Robert Torricelli at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit