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Remarks by Syrian Opposition Leader George Sabra at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2

Syrian Opposition Leader George Sabra

On June 30, 2024,  at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2 hosted at the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) headquarters in Paris, George Sabra, a member of the Syrian Democratic People’s Party, delivered a stirring speech.

Mr. Sabra praised the persistent uprisings of the Iranian people against their rulers, emphasizing the significant role of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in these protests. He asserted that change in Iran is not only necessary for the Iranian people but also crucial for regional and global stability.

A translated version of George Sabra’s speech follows:

Ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you all. Greetings to you, free people, and greetings to all those who work for freedom, democracy, and human rights around the world.

For more than forty years, the Iranian people succeeded in overthrowing the Shah’s dictatorship and his regime, achieving their ambition and free will in determining their destiny, ensuring sovereignty and independence in Iran, and contributing to regional security and stability. However, the theocratic regime that hijacked the revolution and climbed upon it has placed Iran and the region in a state of constant conflict, violence, and instability.

When religious and temporal power are combined in one hand, an era of blood begins, and that is what happened. The regime of Velayat-e Faqih and its militias called the Revolutionary Guards, have violated the lives of people through violence, destruction, and acts of killing that targeted all components of the Iranian people in all areas. Imprisonment, exile, persecution, unjust rulings, and executions have become tools of governance employed by the Iranian authority, leading to the rise of the chief executioner to the presidency.

After spreading violence, destruction, and all kinds of violations on Iranian soil, the regime’s devastation extended towards the region, bringing with it abhorrent sectarianism, hatred, corruption, and projects of perpetual wars through its widespread militias in many regional countries. It not only destroyed the lives of Iranians but also extended its tools to devastate the region and the relationships between its peoples and states. It seeks to perpetuate the Assad chemical regime, trying to maintain this sectarian regime over the agony of the Syrians, continuing the killings, destruction, and mass massacres established in Syria by Qassem Soleimani. The Velayat-e Faqih regime continues to fuel these conditions throughout the region and nurture them.

However, the whole world witnesses the Iranian people’s anger towards their rulers and their rejection of their actions through repeated and ongoing uprisings that directly demand the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime, both as a system and as individuals. The PMOI/MEK and the NCRI play a significant role in these ongoing uprisings until the fall of Velayat-e Faqih and its regime.

Change in Iran has become a regional and international necessity alongside being an essential Iranian demand. The events of recent years have proven that a policy of appeasement and tolerance with this monstrous regime has spawned numerous oppressive and brutal regimes in the region, thanks to its support, militias, and interventions that threaten to ignite more wars daily.

Greetings to the Iranian people and their repeated uprisings, and the sacrifices of their young men and women to liberate from the bloodthirsty regime. Greetings to the struggle of the regional peoples rejecting tyranny and the extensions of the mullahs’ regime and their destructive militias. Greetings to the Syrian people and their revolution against the Assad regime, the Velayat-e Faqih, and Russian aggression. Freedom to the revolting peoples and the struggle of the world’s free people.

Thank you.

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Remarks by Syrian Opposition Leader George Sabra at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2