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MEP Franc Bogovič’s Remarks to the Free Iran World Summit 2021 – July 11, 2021

MEP Franc Bogovič from Slovenia, addressed at the 2nd Day of The Free Iran World Summit on July 11, 2021.

MEP Franc Bogovič from Slovenia


MEP Franc Bogovič from Slovenia, addressed at the 2nd Day of The Free Iran World Summit on July 11, 2021.

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Greetings. It is with great pleasure that I am joined in the queue in this World Summit through this message. The Iranian resistance had said and stood by their word for 40 years that this regime is not capable of reform from within.

You have worked tirelessly to expose the regime’s crimes, and Mrs. Rajavi has said time and again that the policy of appeasement is a failed policy and the only language the regime understands is crimes.

Today, with the coming of Ebrahim Raisi, the regime’s new president, this call has been taken seriously. The United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran called on June 29, 2021, for an independent inquiry into state order executions of thousands of political prisoners in 1998, and the role played by Raisi as the heroine Deputy Prosecutor. This included his direct involvement in the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners, mostly by PMOI supporters, and also the recent arrests and killing of protesters in 2019.

The Iranian people demand democratic change and the establishment of a democratic republic that rejects both Shah and mullahs dictatorships.

To their national uprising, the people of Iran have expressed these demands in their slogans. Those who invested in this regime are hoping to find moderates who cannot see the result of this simple truth. There is no moderate within the murderous dictatorships.

Therefore, knowing the merit or power, the Iranian people need to replace the mullahs’ dictatorship with democracy. The alternative exists in Mrs. Rajavi’s movment. Today, it is even more important that we unite behind and support the NCRI under the leadership of Mrs. Rajavi with her democratic platform that guarantees the rights of all citizens, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, faith or political tendency.

Be sure of my continued support for free Iran. Thank you.

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