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Sir David Amess’s Remarks to the Free Iran World Summit 2021- July 11, 2021

Sir David Amess member of the UK House of Commons, addressed at the 2nd Day of The Free Iran World Summit on July 11, 2021.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for viewing this conference. After Raisi‘s emergence as president in Iran, the United Kingdom, European Union, and United States of America must unite behind the NCRI, its President-Elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and the people of Iran, because they are our best allies to secure a free Iran.

So, ladies and gentlemen, today, I’m delighted to announce that so far, over 100 of my colleagues have signed a very strong statement on Iran. And here it is, in the red book from the House of Lords and the Green Book from the House of Commons. And this statement, rejects the brutal religious dictatorship in Iran, and supports the Iranian resistance and Madame Rajavi. So, let me read parts of this statement, signed by 102 members of Parliament and members of the House of Lords.

We believe the missing piece in our policy is disregarding the objective conditions in Iran, and the yearning of the Iranian people for freedom and democracy. During nationwide protests over the past few years, the Iranian people have clearly and loudly rejected the notions of moderates versus the hardliners, and have expressed their desire for genuine change and outcome that remains in the hands of the Iranian people and their resistance movement.

We believe that the 10-point plan outlined by President-elect of the NCRI Mrs. Rajavi and her calls for the establishment of Republic in Iran, based on free and fair elections, separation of religion and state, gender equality, non-discrimination against religious and ethnic minorities, and a non-nuclear Iran deserve our support. We call on our governments to adopt a firm policy.

These are the regime in Iran and to hold its leaders to account for suppressing the Iranian people engaging in terrorism in Europe, meddling in the region and taken hostage individuals withdraw citizenship. We also call for the imposition of tougher sanctions, as long as the Iranian regime continues with its rogue behavior.

Finally, we call on our governments to stand with the Iranian people and the desire for human rights, freedom, and democracy. The recent presidential election and the announcement of Ebrahim Raisi as president reflects the dead end that the Mullahs’ regime finds itself in. It is a regime bereft of any ideas, with nowhere else to go but to revert to pointing the finger from the ideological hardline. As a well documented director of numerous human rights abuses, Raisi’s appointment brazenly displays the content of the fundamentalist gullible as for any kind of positive dialogue or reform.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I together with my colleagues in the British Parliament, strongly support a call by the Secretary General of Amnesty International, as well as Professor Javid Raman, the Special Rapporteur for human rights in Iran to independently investigate the crimes against humanity committed by this butcher Raisi and prosecute him for sending 10s of 1000s of people to the gallows in the summer of 1988.

And over the past four decades, this brutal man must be put in prison and not become the president of our great country, which is what Iran is.

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Sir David Amess’s Remarks to the Free Iran World Summit 2021- July 11, 2021