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Gilbert Mitterrand’s Remarks to the Free Iran World Summit 2021–July 12, 2021

Gilbert Mitterrand, President of the French Human Rights organization Foundation France Libertes, MEP (2009-2019), addressed at the 2nd Day of The Free Iran World Summit on July 12, 2021.

The election of Raisi reveals the true tragic nature of the Iranian regime. It is a true insult to the memory of the 1988 massacre victims and an insult to their families.

This election is also an admission of the regime that is in place only through terror. It is also a challenge to international diplomacy and France in particular. It is a challenge that shows the Iranian regime who will always stand against human rights.

We need to spell out our request or demands. The alternative is necessary and is always possible. It is possible because democracy is born from the people, not the regime. Raisi’s presidency is proof that this regime won’t be democratic.

A path for democratic Iran exists. It is symbolized in the ten-point plan.

Silence at this moment, with Raisi as the regime’s president, is unacceptable. It is time for the international community to realize and demand change in Iran. How can international institutions remain silent? I am proud to speak out for the liberty of Iran.

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Gilbert Mitterrand’s Remarks to the Free Iran World Summit 2021–July 12, 2021