Iranians and supporters of the Iranian resistance (NCRI and MEK) staged a demonstration and exhibition in Belgium on October 8 and 9, on the eve of the World Day against the Death Penalty. Supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) demonstrated in front of the European Commission headquarters in Schuman Square in Brussels and in Antwerp, Belgium. Also, they held a rally and street exhibition at Opera Square in Antwerp.
The program was welcomed by Belgian politicians. Belgian representatives from different political parties attended the program and gave speeches and participated in acts. They condemned the executions in Iran under the rule of the mullahs and declared their solidarity with the people and the resistance of Iran.
Mark Demesmaeker, a former member of the European Union and a current member of the Belgian Senate, described the presidential administration in Iran as a symbol of immunity that should be challenged. “The ‘1988 massacre is a clear example of genocide. This government, led by its president, has more power over the ‘1988 massacre.
We call on the European Union to condemn the brutal and systematic human rights violations in Iran.” Continuing and increasing political relations, economic relations with this regime must be conditional on a complete cessation of executions in Iran. We call on the international community and the European Union to recognize the massacre of 1988 in Iran as genocide and a crime against humanity. “We urge them to take the necessary steps to refer this case to the Security Council, and to end the immunity of the perpetrators and perpetrators of the massacre, especially Ali Khamenei and Ibrahim Raisi.” Said senator Demesmaeker.
Mrs. Sophie Rohonyi, a member of the Belgian Federal Parliament, was another key speaker. “The fight against the death penalty and barbarism goes beyond ideologies and political parties because it is ultimately a struggle for the universality of human rights. And specifically, if we want to look at the barbarity of the Iranian regime, which attacks women, children, and uses the death penalty, which has been abolished in Belgium for years, and we must protect our principles and democracy. “Thank you for your courage.” She added.
Honorary Member of the Brussels Parliament, Serge de Petoul, also called the execution a barbaric act, in which governments commit atrocities in public. “Today’s heroes are those who are against the Iranian system, and they are the people who must be heard. Today I send my message in solidarity with your courage, and your support for this action,” he said, supporting the Iranian fighters and people. And the things you say, and the fact that you are informing the public, that there is an execution every day in Iran, we are here today and tomorrow as well, to tell the people to get the right amount and to announce the necessity to the international community. “To end this regime.”
Father Daniel also expressed his solidarity with the Iranian people and the families of the victims by attending the program and praying for the victims of execution in Iran.
Mr. Hassan Eghbali, president of the Association for the Protection of Ethnicities and Religions in Iran, was another speaker. Referring to the 1988 massacre and the regime’s miserable situation against the Iranian people, he said: “It is true that the mullahs have never historically been equal in their hatred of the Iranian people, and plunder national treasures, however, according to Amnesty International regarding religious and ethnic minorities, regime agents transport death row inmates to unknown locations and keep the news of their execution secret for months and in some cases for years.
Dr. Masoud Kashefi was a speaker in Antwerp. He emphasized on the role of the international community to end death penalty in Iran.