Iran Freedom

MEK Resistance Units Across Iran: Isfahan Is Not Alone and Will Not Remain Alone

MEK Resistance Units Activities in Support of Isfahan Uprising Across the Iranian Cities — December 2021
MEK Resistance Units Activities in Support of Isfahan Uprising Across the Iranian Cities — December 2021

December 2, 2021—As the farmers of Isfahan protested for rights to water, they have gained support across Iran. Resistance Units, the network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) carried out activities in support of the protesters in Isfahan and in condemnation of the regime’s violent suppression of their just demand.

For several months, the farmers of Isfahan have been protesting the regime’s destructive policies that have led to water shortages. In late November, the farmers gathered in the dry basin of the Zayandeh Rud river to voice their protests.
Their movement gained support from thousands of people in the province, who joined them and called on the regime to solve the farmers’ problems. Security forces attacked the protesters, burning their tents and forcing them to disperse.
The farmers returned to the basin of Zayandeh Rud to resume their protests. The regime tried to use force to disperse their protests. The farmers resisted the regime’s suppressive forces and chanted anti-regime slogans. Protests continued throughout the day and night.

Tehran— “Iranian people’s yearning for freedom will be realized through uprisings & overthrowing the regime”
Tehran— “This is an uprising for regime change and freedom”
Tehran— “People across the country who have risen for water and freedom will support [Isfahan]”
Kerman— “Isfahan is not alone and will not remain alone. Iran is with Isfahan and wants to see Zayandeh Rud roaring”
Mashhad— “Iran is with Isfahan and wants to see Zayandeh Rud roaring”
Mashhad— “Isfahan is not alone and will not remain alone”
Mashhad— “Our people is determined to free this beautiful country”
Mashhad— “The regime is the enemy of Zayandeh Rud”
Tehran— “People across the country who have risen for water and freedom will support [Isfahan and Shahr-e Kord]”
Tehran— “Isfahan is not alone. Down with the oppressor, be it the Shah or Ali Khamenei. Viva Rajavi. Viva freedom”
Tehran— “Isfahan and Shahr-e Kord are not alone and will not remain alone”
Tehran— “Hail to farmers of Isfahan who protest. Isfahan is not alone”
Tehran— “Isfahan and Shahr-e Kord are will not remain alone. The situation in Yazd and Khuzestan is also critical.”
Tehran— “The regime has stolen the water. It is time to rise.”
Tehran— “Hail to the people of Iran. The people across the country who have risen for water and freedom will support [Isfahan and Shahr-e Kord]. We are freedom fighters, and we will not give in to disgrace.”
Tehran— “Ali Khamenei! Your nightmare has just begun. We are your nightmare. Let’s fight.”
Mashhad— “Supporting the people of Isfahan and Shahr-e Kord is a national duty. Down with Khamenei, viva freedom.”
Mashhad— “Hail to the courageous farmers and people of Isfahan who have protested”
Mashhad— “Isfahan is not alone”
Isfahan— “Isfahan and Shahr-e Kord will not remain alone”
Karaj— “Down with Khamenei, Raisi. Viva Rajavi”
Karaj— “Hail to the martyrs killed in 1988 by Ebrahim Raisi. People of Iran! Students! Rise and support Isfahan. It is time to overthrow the regime. We will continue uprisings. Freedom is close.”
Karaj— “The people across the country who have risen for water and freedom will support [Isfahan and Shahr-e Kord]”
Hamadan— “As a youth in Hamadan, I support Isfahan uprising and ask the Iranian people to rise in their support. Down with Khamenei, viva Maryam Rajavi.”
Qazvin— “Join the MEK Resistance Units”
Semnan— “We in northern provinces of Iran support Isfahan uprising and protests in Bakhtiari and Khuzestan. We are ready to overthrow the regime.”
Yazd— “Join Resistance Units”
Dezful— “Hail to the people of Isfahan. Uprisings will continue and we support it.”
Dezful— “Isfahan is not alone. Khuzestan will rise in support. Down with Khamenei, viva Rajavi.”
Gorgan— “I am a member of MEK Resistance Units from Gorgan. On behalf of the people of Gorgan, we support the people of Isfahan. Uprisings will continue until victory.”
Urmia— “Isfahan is not alone and will not remain alone”
Iranshahr— “We support Isfahan uprising. Down with Khamenei, viva Rajavi.”
Rasht— “Down with the dictator”
Rasht— “Down with the tyrant”
Karaj— “Down with Khamenei”
Karaj— “Down with the oppressor, be it the Shah or Ali Khamenei”
Amol— “Down with Khamenei and Raisi the executioner”.

MEK Resistance Units support uprising in Isfahan against Ali Khamenei

November 29, 2021—As farmers in Isfahan continued their protests for rights to water, they have gained support across Iran.
Resistance Units, the network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), carried out activities in support of the protesters in Isfahan and in condemnation of the regime’s violent suppression of their just demands.

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