Iran Freedom

Maryam Rajavi Speech on the Anniversary of the November 2019 Uprising

Maryam Rajavi Speech on the Anniversary of the November 2019 Uprising

From November to the Spring of the Democratic Revolution

Maryam Rajavi: Iranian people’s glorious movement for freedom forges ahead

November 2022: Speech in a ceremony marking the anniversary of the November 2019 uprising, and paying tribute to the martyrs of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising.

Fellow compatriots, courageous protesters,
Three years have passed since the November 2019 uprising. Nevertheless, the sacrifice of more than 1,500 martyrs of that revolutionary rebellion was not in vain, and the unwavering resolve of those who created that magnificent uprising never stopped.
Within 48 hours, that powerful tornado provided a roadmap to the definitive destruction of the clerical regime in its entirety. And today, that sacrifice and that uprising have morphed into a movement that heralds the spring of Iran’s democratic revolution and the prospects of its victory.
The people of Iran are resolved to overthrow the Velayat-e faqih regime and to establish a democratic republic.

We salute the martyrs of the November 2019 uprising whose blood was shed in Mahshahr, Ahvaz, Shiraz, Shahriar, Islamshahr, and dozens of other cities so that the movement and the revolution would continue.
I commend the mothers of the November 2019 martyrs and their courageous call for justice. I admire the Resistance Units and valiant youths who learned many lessons from the November 2019 uprising and implemented them until this November.
I salute the valiant people who rose up in January 2020 after Khamenei’s IRGC fired on the Ukrainian airliner, exhibiting their anger over the horrific crime.


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