Iran Freedom

Commemoration of January 20, the Anniversary of the Release of the Last Group of Political Prisoners From Shah’s Prisons in Paris, Stockholm, and Berlin

Commemoration of January 20, the Anniversary of the Release of the Last Group of Political Prisoners From Shah's Prisons in Paris, Stockholm, and Berlin

January 19, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Paris, Stockholm, and Berlin commemorated January 20, 1979.

On this day, the people of Iran released the last group of political prisoners from the prisons of Shah’s dictatorship.

On that historic day, when there were only three weeks left until the fall of Shah’s dictatorial regime, the political prisoners who had endured years of imprisonment and torture by Shah’s repressor security organization known as SAVAK returned to the arms of their beloved people.

Iranian opposition leader Massoud Rajavi

At the head of these political prisoners was Massoud Rajavi. Hours before the release, when thousands of people in front of “Qasr prison” in Tehran were chanting the slogan “Political prisoners must be free,” the dictatorial regime had to take Massoud Rajavi to the top of the prison building to speak with the people. The protesters were impatiently waiting for the release of their heroes.

Massoud Rajavi thanked and appreciated the heroic people of Iran, who had successfully freed all political prisoners with their massive demonstrations.

Freedom-loving Iranians honor and celebrate this day every year.

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