Iran Freedom

Bern—June 10, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Bern, Switzerland—June 10, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran(PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition to support the Iranian Revolution. They also protested against the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime.

MEK supporters in Bern demanded the trial of the mullahs’ regime leaders for crimes against humanity, in an international court.

The members of Iranian community in Bern invited all freedom-loving Iranians to participate in the great gathering of Free Iran on June 29, 2024 in Berlin.

Iranians demanded the immediate release of all political prisoners from the prisons of the mullahs’ regime in Iran. They also condemned the brutal repression of Iranian women under the pretext of hijab and supported the resistance of Iranian women against the oppression of the regime with the slogan of women, resistance, freedom.

In addition, the Iranian Resistance supporters in Bern urged the international community to support the Iran Revolution and take a firm stance against the oppressive regime of the mullahs.

They asked the international community to recognize the right of self-defense of the Iranian people against the religious dictatorship.

Swiss citizens visited the exhibition and signed a petition in solidarity with the Iranian nationwide uprising.

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