Iran Freedom

MEK Supporters Rallies in European Cities to Denounce Sweden-Mullahs Deal for Release of 1988 Massacre Executioner Hamid Noury

June 15, 2024: Demonstrators in several European cities, including Berlin, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Münster, Bochum, Hanover, Heidelberg, Paris, and Oslo, rallied to protest the recent shameful deal between Sweden and the mullahs’ regime, which resulted in the release of Hamid Noury.

Noury was sentenced to life imprisonment by a Stockholm court for his participation in the 1988 Massacre of political prisoners in Iran. His appeal was denied, reaffirming his conviction for these crimes.

The protests were organized by freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). Participants denounced the deal as a betrayal of justice and a capitulation to the Iranian regime’s demands.

They expressed outrage over Sweden’s decision to release Noury a criminal executioner, and warned that this move could embolden the regime’s practices of terrorism and human rights violations.

The Iranian Resistance has vehemently condemned Noury’s release, arguing that it not only undermines efforts to hold perpetrators of the 1988 Massacre accountable but also incentivizes further crimes against humanity and acts of terrorism.

They emphasized that such deals jeopardize international justice and human rights, calling on global leaders to reconsider their approach to dealing with the Iranian regime.

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