Iran Freedom

Germany—July 5, 2024: Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally in Hamburg, Cologne, and Munich for Regime Change

Germany—July 5, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held rallies in Hamburg, Cologne, and Munich to protest against the Iranian regime’s sham presidential elections. The demonstrators demanded a regime change in Iran, emphasizing that the current religious fascism ruling Iran negates any possibility of legitimate elections.

Chanting and holding signs, the protesters made their stance clear: “In Iran, under the ruling religious fascism, it is not time for elections, but for a revolution.” These coordinated demonstrations across major German cities reflect a growing discontent among the Iranian diaspora and their call for substantial political change in their home country.

Protesters supporting the Iranian Resistance in Hamburg, Cologne, and Munich called on the German government and the European Union to end their policy of appeasement towards the religious dictatorship ruling Iran.

They demanded the recognition of the resistance and the right of the Iranian people and the MEK Resistance Units inside Iran to defend themselves in their struggle against tyranny and dictatorship.

They also expressed their full support for “Ten-Point Plan for the future of Iran” led by NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi.

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