Iran Freedom

Manchester—July 31, 2024: Freedom-Loving Iranians Organize a Book Fair to Support the Iranian Revolution

Manchester—July 31, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and academics living in England, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), organized a book fair and petition collection to support the Iranian Revolution. They condemned the increasing wave of executions carried out by the Iranian regime. They also urged the UK government to designate Iran’s regime IRGC as a terrorist organization.

Iranian academics in the UK said: “On July 31, 2024, the book stand at Manchester was warmly received by both citizens and Iranians alike. Almost all Iranians expressed solidarity and their readiness to participate in gatherings and marches in support of the people of Iran.”

Iranian community in Manchester demanded the trial of the mullahs’ regime leaders for crimes against humanity, in an international court.

The event received a great reception from various segments of the Manchester city population.


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