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London Demonstration Marks Anniversary of Iran’s 2022 Uprising – September 14, 2024

London Rally – September 14, 2024

London, England—September 14, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) held a rally at No. 10 Downing Street to mark the second anniversary of the 2022 nationwide uprising and to show solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

They honored the martyrs of the Iranian people and supported the brave Resistance Units inside Iran, who mobilize the population, advance the uprising, and challenge the regime’s repressive forces in the quest for a new revolution.

Freedom-loving Iranians in London emphasized the Iranian people’s desire for a democratic republic and rejection of any kind of dictatorship, whether it be the mullahs’ regime or a return to the Shah’s regime.

They emphasized that the protest movement remains alive due to the existence of a well-organized, democratic alternative in the NCRI, backed by a clear platform and active Resistance Units within Iran.

Participants displayed photos of the martyrs from the 2022 uprising, honoring their sacrifice. They also called for a firm stance against the ruling religious dictatorship in Iran and demanded an end to the policy of appeasement, which allows the regime to continue oppressing the Iranian people, particularly women and youth.

The Anglo-Iranian community also urged the UK Government to:

Despite brutal crackdowns, the fight for freedom continues. The regime’s mass executions are a crime against humanity, and protesters demand that the UK proscribe the IRGC and hold Iran’s regime accountable.

Mr. Mark Williams
Sir Alan Meale

Speakers Mark Williams and Sir Alan Meale addressed the rally in support of its demands, the NCRI, and the Iranian people’s quest for freedom and justice.

In this demonstration, representatives from youth and women’s associations also spoke in support of the uprising of the Iranian people, particularly women and youth, as well as the MEK Resistance Units.

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London Demonstration Marks Anniversary of Iran’s 2022 Uprising – September 14, 2024