Iran Freedom

Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally at UN Geneva in Support of the ‘No to Executions’ Campaign Against Iran’s Regime

Geneva, Switzerland – October 9, 2024

Geneva, Switzerland—October 9, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally and exhibition in front of the UN headquarters on the occasion of World Day Against the Death Penalty. They protested against the mullahs’ regime and the ongoing brutal executions across Iran. The participants called for support for the Iranian people and their resistance in the struggle to establish freedom, democracy, human rights, and justice in Iran.

The Iranian community in Geneva called for the immediate release of all political prisoners held in the regime’s prisons in Iran and expressed their solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

During their demonstrations, freedom-loving Iranians demanded the United Nations, the Human Rights Council, and member states to refer the case of the regime’s human rights violations to the United Nations Security Council and to hold the leaders of the regime accountable for crimes against humanity. MEK supporters in Geneva demanded the trial of the mullahs’ regime leaders for crimes against humanity, in an international court.

Iranians in Geneva emphasized the Iranian people’s desire for a democratic republic and their rejection of any form of dictatorship, whether it be the mullahs’ regime or a return to the Shah’s regime.

They called for the recognition of the resistance and the right of the Iranian people, along with the MEK Resistance Units inside Iran, to defend themselves in their struggle against tyranny and dictatorship.

They also condemned the brutal repression of Iranian women under the pretext of hijab and supported the resistance of Iranian women against the oppression of the regime with the slogan of women, resistance, freedom.



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