Berlin, January 18, 2025: Supporters of the MEK gathered at the Brandenburg Gate to celebrate the anniversary of Massoud Rajavi‘s release from the Shah’s prisons. Several Iranians delivered speeches in support of the Iranian Resistance leader and celebrated this historic day.
The rally also protested the violation of human rights by the mullah regime, particularly the criminal death sentences against political prisoners in Iran.
Additionally, the event showed solidarity with the 29th Free Iran Telethon for Simay-e-Azadi, the satellite TV channel of the Iranian Resistance.
The event spotlighted human rights violations in Iran, focusing on the country’s dire situation and the plight of political prisoners facing death sentences those executed under the mullah regime.
Participants called for recognition of the Iranian people’s resistance and their right, along with the MEK Resistance Units inside Iran, to defend themselves against tyranny and dictatorship.
The Iranian community in Berlin reaffirmed their commitment to a democratic republic in Iran, firmly rejecting all forms of dictatorship, including the mullahs’ theocratic rule and any potential return to the Shah’s regime.
Supporters of the Iranian Resistance also demanded the closure of the mullahs’ embassy in Germany and advocated for the designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.