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Iran’s MEK Resistance Units Forge Ahead with Activities Despite Wave of Executions

Iran's MEK Resistance Units Forge Ahead with Activities Despite Wave of Executions

As the upcoming anniversary of the 2022 nationwide uprising draws near, Iran’s governing regime has resorted to oppressive tactics to quell the potential resurgence of public anger and prevent another round of anti-regime protests. Chief among these measures is the surge in executions taking place throughout Iran.

On August 10, the regime executed two individuals from Baluchistan in Mashhad’s Vakilabad Prison, as well as a Kurdish individual in Hamedan’s Central Prison. The previous day, August 9, witnessed the execution of two prisoners in Hamedan and one in Yasuj Central Prison. On the same day, state media reported that five prisoners were hanged in the city of Marand, as stated by the Marand prosecutor.

August 8 saw the execution of two prisoners in Shiraz Central Prison, and on August 6, eight prisoners were executed in various cities. Combining information from different sources, it becomes evident that since August 6, the regime has carried out 24 executions in an attempt to maintain its grip on power and instill fear in the public.

Concurrently, the regime is implementing other repressive measures, including the expansion of activities by the so-called “morality police.”

Equally noteworthy are the regime’s direct actions against the Iranian Resistance, including intensified pressure on political prisoners and the recent summoning of 104 members of the MEK (Mujahedin-e Khalq) by the regime’s judiciary for prosecution. The regime, known for its history of executing tens of thousands of MEK members and supporters, has demanded that Iranian Resistance members provide legal representation for themselves in court.

In response to the regime’s repressive actions, the MEK Resistance Units have escalated their efforts to keep the flame of resistance burning. These Resistance Units, comprising activists inside Iran who support the MEK, are courageously conducting these activities despite significant risks.

In reaction to the regime’s summons of MEK members, Resistance Units all over Iran have created videos, asserting their readiness to stand with the MEK and the Iranian Resistance on the streets, in protests, and in endeavors to topple the regime and bring freedom to Iran.

A member of a Resistance Unit in Tehran conveyed, “Dear Massoud Rajavi, the Resistance Units stand ready to represent you with pride. Down with Khamenei, cursed be Khomeini, and long live Rajavi.”

Similar actions were reported in various cities, including Mashhad, Urmia, Shahrekord, Marand, Arak, Zahedan, Dehloran, Sari, Sanandaj, Kashan, Karaj, Neyshabur, and Gorgan.

In Shahrekord, a Resistance Unit member displayed a sign that read, “We will confront the regime’s criminals on the streets through our uprisings.”

Within Tehran, a Resistance Unit member challenged regime leaders, including Khamenei, Ebrahim Raisi, and Judiciary Chief Gholamhossein Mohseni Eje’i, to face an international court and be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Additionally, the Resistance Units affirmed their commitment to persist in their struggle against the regime, notwithstanding the regime’s escalating repressive measures.

A Tehran-based Resistance Unit member held a sign that declared, “We pledge to continue the fight to the end in honor of the martyrs’ blood.”

In Tehran, Resistance Units also put up a poster of Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi, featuring a quote: “Revolt and uprising against tyranny is the right of the Iranian people.”

Another poster showcasing Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), bore the message, “Those aspiring for Iran’s freedom must rise up for the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime.”

Similar activities unfolded in Karaj, Semnan, Tabriz, Shiraz, Isfahan, Mashhad, Rasht, Mahshahr, Noshahr, Ardakan, Amol, Shahrekord, and Urmia.

The expanding activities of the Resistance Units and the growing influence of the MEK have raised concerns among regime officials. In a recent roundtable discussion, regime authorities expressed apprehension about the role that the MEK is playing in Iran and anti-regime protests.

Over the past 44 years, the mullahs’ regime consistently sought to discredit the PMOI (People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran) by portraying it as insignificant within the country, spending vast sums and employing various tactics through a mix of domestic and foreign agents, “journalist friends,” and lobbyists. These efforts have run parallel to the mass execution of MEK supporters and members across Iran, as well as extensive attempts to carry out acts of terrorism against them worldwide.

However, the increasing ranks and activities of the MEK Resistance Units stand as evidence of the regime’s comprehensive failure and the imminent victory of the people in attaining freedom within their nation.

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Iran’s MEK Resistance Units Forge Ahead with Activities Despite Wave of Executions