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MEK Resistance Units Defy Oppressive Measures, Expand Activities Against Iran’s Regime

MEK Resistance Units Defy Oppressive Measures, Expand Activities Against Iran's Regime

Despite a surge of executions and repressive measures by the Iranian regime against political activists, Resistance Units, a network of activists within Iran associated with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), have expanded their operations throughout the country.

On the anniversary of the Constitutional Revolution, the MEK Resistance Units displayed images of Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi and NCRI president-elect Maryam Rajavi in various cities.

In Tehran, the images of Iranian Resistance leaders were projected on Karim Khan Street and Farhan Boulevard in Saadat Abad. In Yazd, located in central Iran, the image of the Resistance leaders was projected on Enghelab Street. In Kashan, also in central Iran, the images were displayed on Resalat Street. Similar activities took place in Kermanshah, Shiraz, Qom, Aligudarz, and Dehdasht.

The Resistance Units also responded to a summons from the regime’s judiciary, which aimed to prosecute 104 MEK members. The regime, known for its history of executing tens of thousands of MEK members and supporters, requested that the Iranian Resistance members bring their lawyers to represent them in court.

In response, the MEK Resistance Units recorded video messages, stating their intention to represent the MEK and the Iranian Resistance through street demonstrations and efforts to overthrow the regime, ultimately striving for freedom in Iran.

Resistance Units in various cities, including Tehran, Tabriz, Qazvin, Karaj, Mashhad, Kerman, Kerend, Isfahan, Shiraz, Kermanshah, Sanandaj, Ahvaz, Bumehen, Mazandaran, Zahedan, Rudehen, Shahr-e Kord, Khorram Abad, and Hamedan, expressed their support for the MEK and their determination to topple the regime.

Simultaneously, the Resistance Units conducted activities in different cities, affirming their support for the MEK and Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan, which aims to establish a democratic republic in Iran. The Units displayed posters in various cities on the eve of the anniversary of the 2022 nationwide protests, emphasizing their commitment to continue their activities against the regime.

Quoting Massoud Rajavi, the Resistance Units wrote, “Rebels will be victorious.” Their objective is to transform every district, alley, home, and shop into a stronghold of resistance.

These activities spanned across multiple cities, including Tehran, Shiraz, Tabriz, Isfahan, Mashhad, Karaj, Ramsar, Lahijan, Rasht, Shahin Shahr, Qom, Noshahr, Bushehr, Zanjan, Arak, Kermanshah, Ilam, and Mahabad.

The increasing activities of the Resistance Units and the influence of the MEK have deeply unsettled officials within the regime. During a recent roundtable discussion, regime authorities raised concerns about the MEK’s role in Iran and its involvement in anti-regime protests.

Throughout the past 44 years, the mullahs’ regime has consistently attempted to dismiss the PMOI’s presence and significance within the country, dedicating substantial resources and resorting to various deceptive tactics involving domestic and foreign mercenaries, so-called “journalist friends,” and lobbyists. These efforts have been carried out alongside the brutal targeting of MEK supporters and members across Iran, as well as extensive endeavors to perpetrate terrorist activities against them worldwide.

Nevertheless, the expanding ranks and activities of the MEK Resistance Units serve as an undeniable testament to the regime’s profound defeat and the approaching triumph of the people’s pursuit of freedom in their nation.

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MEK Resistance Units Defy Oppressive Measures, Expand Activities Against Iran’s Regime