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MEK Resistance Units Increase Activities Ahead of Anniversary of Iran’s Nationwide Protests

MEK Resistance Units  Increase Activities Ahead of Anniversary of Iran's Nationwide Protests

August 2023—Iran’s political landscape has significantly shifted to the advantage of the Iranian people and against the ruling mullahs. Almost a year after the start of the September 2022 uprising, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), pushed Iran’s developments toward freedom and democracy.
The strategy of Resistance Units in Iran, also known as the MEK network inside Iran, has proven its effectiveness, setting an example for Iran’s youths who demand freedom and the overthrow of the mullahs.
The Free Iran Global Summit, organized by the NCRI in France, reiterated the importance of the activities of the Resistance Units as the only feasible strategy for overthrowing the clerical regime in Iran. Distinguished speakers from all over the world praised the activities of the Resistance Units and called for support for the PMOI/MEK, NCRI, and its president-elect Maryam Rajavi for a free and democratic Iran.
Resistance Units in Iran sent 10,000 video messages to the conference and expressed their support for NCRI, Maryam Rajavi, and her 10-point plan for a democratic Iran. They also expressed their determination to overthrow the mullahs’ dictatorship at any cost. They also showed their support by installing banners of Maryam Rajavi and the conference’s logo in public places.

Within the past 30 days, Resistance Units projected images of Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi in many cities in Iran. They also installed images of the martyrs of Iran’s struggle for freedom. This is while the regime wants to stifle any dissent voice. The regime has ramped up executions in the past year and continues to arrest protesters who took part in the last uprising. This further shows the high risks that Resistance Units are taking by displaying the photos of Iranian Resistance leaders in different cities.
Resistance Units also projected images of Dr. Mohammad Mosaddeq, the historical Iranian leader who is a symbol for the people in standing against the dictatorship of the Shah. This is while remnants of the dictatorship of Pahlavi’s dynasty become active in light of the recent uprisings and are dreaming of re-establishing the tyrannical rule of the overthrown monarch.
Resistance Units also installed posters of Maryam Rajavi, Massoud Rajavi, and MEK emblem in public places. Maryam Rajavi’s images are especially a symbol of women’s freedom under the clerical regime. Her images inspire people and youths for a free, secular and democratic Iran.
The MEK network inside Iran expanded their acts to writing graffiti on walls, distributing leaflets, and sending inspiring messages which express their will and determination for continuing the revolution until victory. Their graffiti and slogans read: “Down with the oppressor, be it the Shah or Ali Khamenei; we will answer fire with fire; down with Khamenei; and, we swear the blood of martyrs that we will stand to the end.”
MEK Resistance Units, as an engine for change, have established their presence in Iran among youths, and many youths join the rank on a daily basis. Resistance Units have shown Iran’s youth that overthrowing the mullahs requires organized movement.
Many who have engaged with the regime’s oppressive forces on the ground in protests, or even been injured during protests, have felt with their flesh and blood the need for an organized movement. This fact pushes people to join the rank more and more. This fact alone has terrified the regime, to the extent of paying huge amounts of money to desperately demonize the MEK through propaganda campaigns. But the expansion of Resistance Units these days proves the regime’s failure.

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MEK Resistance Units Increase Activities Ahead of Anniversary of Iran’s Nationwide Protests