Iran Freedom

MEK Resistance Units in Zahedan Vow to Overthrow Iran’s Regime and Establish Freedom and Democracy

MEK Resistance Units Activities in Zahedan - March 29, 2024

Iran—March 29, 2024: The Resistance Units of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Zahedan have once again voiced their unwavering commitment to overthrowing the mullahs’ regime in Iran and establishing a future characterized by freedom and democracy.

Through a series of public displays following Friday prayers on March 29, the Resistance Units in Zahedan sent a strong message to the Iranian authorities and the international community. Their placards bore slogans that reflected the protestors’ demands and aspirations.

The Resistance Units’ activities in Zahedan come in the wake of Zahedan Bloody Friday, a brutal crackdown by the regime’s security forces that resulted in the deaths of over 100 peaceful protesters, including dozens of children.

As the Iranian people continue to defy the regime’s attempts to suppress their aspirations, the Resistance Units in Zahedan stand as a beacon of hope, reiterating their commitment to the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime and the establishment of a future where the Iranian people can freely determine their own destiny.

Some pictures of placards and slogans of the Resistance Units activities in Zahedan are follows:

“Baluchestan is awake and despises the shah and the mullahs”

“The democratic revolution of Iran will be victorious”

“In memory of the martyrs of [Zahedan’s] Bloody Friday, we will achieve victory in 1403”

“With the slogan ‘we can and we must,’ the new spring will come”

“The heroes of Zahedan are the enemies of the shah and the mullahs”

“In the spring of 2024, the message of Baluchestan is that the mullahs’ regime will be overthrown”

“From Zahedan to Tehran: Woman – Resistance – Freedom”

“Woman – Resistance – Freedom”

“With ‘we can and we must,’ the new spring will come”

“We are in at war with the shah and mullahs”

“The spring of freedom with the liberation army”

“The mullahs’ regime is moving towards collapse and overthrow”

“This year is the year of resistance and nationwide uprising against the mullahs’ dictatorship”

The Video of the MEK Resistance Units Activities in Zahedan:

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