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The Enduring Legacy of Iran’s PMOI Martyrs: Resistance Units Honor the Sacrifices of Those Executed by the Shah Regime

On April 19, 1972, the Shah's regime in Iran executed a group of senior members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), including Nasser Sadegh, Mohammad Bazargani, Ali Mihandoost, and Ali Bakeri. These martyrs were arrested, brutally tortured, and then killed in sham trials by the Shah's notorious intelligence agency, SAVAK.
The Enduring Legacy of Iran’s PMOI Martyrs

On April 19, 1972, the Shah’s regime in Iran executed a group of senior members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), including Nasser Sadegh, Mohammad Bazargani, Ali Mihandoost, and Ali Bakeri. These martyrs were arrested, brutally tortured, and then killed in sham trials by the Shah’s notorious intelligence agency, SAVAK.

Around the same time, SAVAK also murdered Asghar Montazer Haghighi in street clashes. Three years later, on April 19, 1975, the Shah’s regime executed seven members of the Organization of Iranian People’s Fedai Guerrillas and two senior PMOI members, Kazem Zulanvar and Mostafa Javan Khoshdel.

The Shah’s regime, fearing the growing influence of the PMOI and Fedaian among college students and the educated public, targeted these political prisoners in an attempt to quell the opposition. SAVAK sought to whitewash these executions by claiming inmates trying to escape were shot and killed by prison guards.

However, the Shah’s regime failed to extinguish the spirit of resistance against tyranny. The PMOI martyrs executed by the Shah’s regime are a testament to the Iranian people’s unwavering commitment to freedom and democracy. Their sacrifice continues to inspire and guide the ongoing struggle against the mullahs’ regime in Iran. As the Iranian people continue their fight for a better future, the memory of these martyrs will remain a guiding light in their pursuit of a just and democratic society.

Fifty-two years later, brave members of the Resistance Units the network of People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) have carried out activities across Iran to honor the memory of these martyrs.

In Tehran, MEK Resistance Units displayed banners declaring “We can and we must overthrow the regime of Khamenei,” while similar tributes were seen in cities like Rasht, Hamedan, Mashhad, and Lahijan.

Some pictures of the Resistance Units activities in Iranian cities are as follows:

“Honoring the anniversary of the martyrdom of the first group of the PMOI Central Committee at the hands of the shah regime”


“Honoring the memory of the vanguards of the resistance against the shah regime. We can and we must overthrow the regime of Khamenei.”




“Honoring the anniversary of the martyrdom of the first group of the PMOI Central Committee at the hands of the shah regime”


“Honoring the memory of the martyrs of April 19”


“Honoring the anniversary of the martyrdom of the first group of the PMOI Central Committee at the hands of the shah regime”



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The Enduring Legacy of Iran’s PMOI Martyrs: Resistance Units Honor the Sacrifices of Those Executed by the Shah Regime