Iran Freedom

MEK Resistance Units Celebrate the Death of “The Mass Murderer” Ebrahim Raisi Across Iran

PMOI Resistance Units across Iran celebrate the death of Ebrahim Raisi

In a wave of jubilation across Iran, people celebrated the death of regime president Ebrahim Raisi, a notorious human rights violator with a four-decade legacy of brutality.

In addition, the network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization inside Iran, also known as MEK Resistance Units celebrate the death of mullahs’ regime president Ebrahim Raisi, a key figure in the 1988 massacre of political prisoners and responsible for the execution and murder of thousands of protesters and dissidents.

PMOI Resistance Units in cities like Ahvaz, Shiraz, Mashhad, Karaj, Isfahan, and others marked the occasion with video messages and placards expressing their celebration and a commitment to overthrowing the mullahs’ regime.

Leaflets and banners bore strong messages of justice, with phrases like “We pray that Khamenei will soon meet the same fate as Raisi” and “We hope the executioner meets his end in hell,” reflecting deep anger toward the regime. The Resistance Units hoped Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, would face a similar fate.

Slogans declared: “On the night of the Butcher’s death, Khamenei’s regime became invalid.”

These slogans celebrated Raisi’s demise and called for an uprising, emphasizing that the time for change had arrived.

Ebrahim Raisi was a member of the death committee responsible for the 1988 massacre, which resulted in 30,000 political prisoners’ deaths, most of them from the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran.

The gravity of these executions was underscored by an audio recording in which Hossein Ali Montazeri, then-deputy to Khomeini, denounced the executions as the greatest crime by the Islamic Republic.

Before becoming president, Raisi held key positions in the judiciary and became its head in 2019. Throughout his bloody career, he oversaw, approved, and facilitated thousands of executions. He played a key role in the killing of over 1,500 protesters in the 2019 uprising and at least 750 youths in the 2022 uprising.

Raisi never shied away from his crimes and even expressed pride in handing out execution and amputation sentences. He was considered the main candidate to succeed Khamenei.

After his death, celebrations erupted in various cities, with citizens calling the event a moment of justice for families whose loved ones were killed by the regime. Videos on social media showed people distributing pastries and sweets, and celebrating with fireworks and other festivities.

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