Iran Freedom

MEK Resistance Units Honor the Founders of the PMOI Across Iran

Iran, May 23, 2024: On the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the execution of the founders of the PMOI by the Shah regime’s criminal courts, the brave members of the Resistance Units, a network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), honor the memory of Mohammad HanifnejadSaeed Mohsen, and Asghar Badizadegan, the esteemed founders of the PMOI.

Some pictures of the activities of the Resistance Units in various Iranian cities are as follows:

“Commemorating May 25, the anniversary of the martyrdom of the founders of the PMOI”

“Mohammad Hanifnejad planted the first seeds of honesty and sacrifice”

“Mohammad Hanifnejad kept the flames of resistance alive at any cost in the cells of Evin prison”

Picture of Massoud Rajavi with the message:
“The morning of May 25, 1972, the blood of [Hanifnejad] flipped a new page in the history of Iran”

“Mohammad Hanifnejad planted the first seeds of honesty and sacrifice. Indeed he became the eternal sun of his nation.”

“The blood of Mohammad Hanifnejad is without a doubt the heaviest price that the PMOI paid on the path to accomplish its ideals”

“Mohammad Hanifnejad kept the flames of resistance alive at any cost in the cells of Evin prison”

“Commemorating May 25, the anniversary of the martyrdom of the founders of the PMOI”

“May 25 was a glorious breakthrough in the history of our people”

“The blood of Mohammad Hanifnejad is without a doubt the heaviest price that the PMOI paid on the path to accomplish its ideals”



“Hanif’s memory is alive and the Mojahedin continue the struggle”

“Commemorating May 25, the anniversary of the martyrdom of the founders of the PMOI”

Image of Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi with the message: “Mohammad Hanifnejad planted the first seeds of honesty and sacrifice”

Image of NCRI president-elect Maryam Rajavi with the message:
“Mohammad Hanifnejad kept the flames of resistance alive at any cost”


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