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Operation Eternal Light: 36th Anniversary Commemorated by MEK Resistance Units Across Iran

In July 1988, the National Liberation Army (NLA) of Iran launched Operation Eternal Light, a significant military campaign aimed at overthrowing the Iranian regime. This historic operation, which resulted in the sacrifice of over 1,300 freedom fighters, has become a symbol of the ongoing struggle for freedom in Iran.

On the 36th anniversary of this operation, PMOI Resistance Units organized commemorative activities across various Iranian cities. Brave members of the MEK Resistance Units conducted anti-regime activities despite facing security threats, honored the memory of the fallen and reaffirmed their commitment to continuing the fight for freedom.

The commemoration activities included:

– Distribution of leaflets in multiple cities
– Displaying images of Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi and NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi
– Raising banners with slogans supporting the resistance movement
– Projecting images of resistance leaders in public spaces

In Tehran, leaflets were distributed with messages such as “Operation Eternal Light shook the foundations of the Velayat-e Faqih regime” and “Long live the National Liberation Army. We shall return.” Similar activities were carried out in cities including Karaj, Sanandaj, Semnan, Bandar Abbas, Mashhad, Khorramabad, Ramsar, Qazvin, Isfahan, and Kermanshah.

Resistance members expressed their determination to continue the struggle. A Tehran activist stated, “The resilience and determination of the Iranian youth are unstoppable. We are inspired by the sacrifices of our martyrs, and we will continue their mission until Iran is free.” An activist in Mashhad echoed this sentiment, describing Operation Eternal Light as “a beacon of hope and resistance.”

In Zahedan, the capital of Sistan and Baluchestan province, Resistance Units raised banners on July 26 with slogans such as “From Zahedan to Tehran, the time for revolution and justice has come” and “The blood of the uprising martyrs and the martyrs of the 1988 massacre boils.” Other slogans included “Down with the oppressor, be it the shah or the mullahs” and “Women, Resistance, Freedom,” emphasizing the rejection of all forms of dictatorship and the importance of women’s empowerment in Iran’s future.

The widespread nature of these activities across Iran demonstrates the deep-rooted presence of the resistance movement throughout the country. Despite the regime’s repressive measures, the voice and flame of freedom continue to burn, as evidenced by the ongoing efforts of these Resistance Units.

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Operation Eternal Light: 36th Anniversary Commemorated by MEK Resistance Units Across Iran