The courageous PMOI Resistance Units in Baluchestan are actively opposing the Iranian regime’s oppression. For over a century, the Baluch people have endured hostility and violence from both the mullahs and the Shah. Every protest voice has been suppressed, and freedom-seeking movements have been met with violence, lacking continuity.

The low voter turnout in Baluchestan during the regime’s elections is not coincidental; it reflects the people’s longstanding view of the regime as their adversary. In recent years, the people of Baluchestan have aligned their protests with the growing activities of Iran’s Resistance Units, a network of People’s Mojahedin Organization activists inside Iran who sustain the spirit of protest across the nation. These Resistance Units have consistently filled the streets of Baluchestan with slogans, uplifting the morale of their fellow Baluch citizens and leading the resistance throughout Iran. They understand that connecting with the nationwide freedom movement is crucial for achieving their goals. In the uprisings since 2017, particularly the significant 2022 uprising, they have shown immense bravery and made sacrifices for freedom and democracy in Iran.
The Resistance Units promote unity and resistance with slogans like “No to Shah, no to mullahs,” indicating the Iranian people’s rejection of all forms of tyranny. They emphasize that the regime’s sham elections will not deceive the Iranian populace.

In response to the regime’s executions, they assert, “We are stronger than death, executions, and massacres.” They expose Khamenei’s motives behind executing political prisoners as an attempt to stifle uprisings. They highlight the destruction of homes in Baluchestan as a pressure tactic used by both the Shah and Sheikh regimes, warning the regime of darker days ahead.
Their most powerful slogan reflects their belief in victory and a bright future for Iran: “This regime is doomed. Iran’s democratic revolution will prevail.”
On August 2, 2024, MEK Resistance Units in Zahedan condemned the regime’s brutal executions, displaying placards in public streets with the message: “The increase in executions is a sign of Khamenei’s fear of an uprising of the Iranian people”.
Video of the activities of the MEK Resistance Units in Zahedan on July 27, 2024: