Iran Freedom

MEK Resistance Units Celebrate Maryam Rajavi’s Election Anniversary as NCRI President-elect

MEK Resistance Units across Iran celebrate anniversary of Maryam Rajavi’s election as NCRI President-elect

Iran, October 20-21, 2024: On the anniversary of Maryam Rajavi’s election as President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), MEKResistance Units carried out activities across Iran to mark the occasion.

Karaj, Tehran – The streets, became a clandestine canvas for the MEK Resistance Units. They installed banners overnight, the faces of Maryam Rajavi and her ten-point plan for a free Iran staring down at passersby, a silent declaration of intent. “The army of women and the oppressed wants to uproot this regime,” the banners declared, the message projected onto walls by night.

Mashhad – Resistance units distributed pictures of Mrs. Rajavi, while posters outlining her plan for freedom fluttered. “Democracy, freedom, with Maryam Rajavi,”.

Kerman – “Maryam Rajavi is the hope of Iran’s people for a better tomorrow,” was not only scrawled on walls but also projected onto buildings, the image of her face a beacon of hope in the night.

Lahijan – “Our choice, Maryam Rajavi,”.

Bandar Abbas – “The overthrow of the regime is definitive and unavoidable.” Outdoor projectors illuminated the night with visions of a republic that embraced votes and pluralism, turning the port into a lighthouse of resistance.

Kermanshah – “Uprisings and regime change is the only path to freedom,” was the mantra, reinforced by images of Maryam Rajavi projected onto historic sites.

Karaj – Brave members of the MEK Resistance Units used outdoor projectors to display Mrs. Rajavi’s image, symbolizing their vow: “We can and we must create a new world based on freedom and equality.”

Videos of the MEK Resistance Units Activities across Iran:

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