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MEK Resistance Units in Zahedan Mobilize Actions Against Iranian Regime with Defiant Slogans

Activities of the MEK Resistance Units in Zahedan – October 18, 2024

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) Resistance Units in Zahedan have intensified their campaign against the Iranian regime on October 18, 2024, emphasizing their resolve through powerful slogans and placards. Their actions underscore a commitment to topple the regime and establish a free and democratic Republic of Iran, as outlined in their recent activities.

The slogans chanted and displayed by the Resistance Units resonate with themes of freedom, resistance, and justice:

– “Overthrowing the regime and establishing a free Iran is on the shoulders of the people of Iran and their Resistance movement.” This statement reaffirms the grassroots nature of their struggle, placing the burden of change on the populace and their organized resistance.

– “We don’t want a state that kills the Baluch. We don’t want the blood-stained mullahs’ regime.” Here, the Units denounce the state’s violence against ethnic minorities, particularly the Baluch, highlighting the regime’s oppressive tactics.

– “The message of Baluchestan is readiness for uprising to overthrow the regime.” This slogan signals a readiness among the Baluch population for active resistance, suggesting widespread discontent and a potential for broader unrest.

– “Down with the oppressor, be it the Shah or the mullahs.” This chant encapsulates a historical and ongoing rejection of authoritarian rule in any form, aligning with long-standing demands for democratic governance.

– “The execution of political prisoners is Khamenei‘s effort to prevent uprisings.” This points to the regime’s use of extreme measures like executions as a means to suppress dissent, framing these acts as desperate attempts to maintain control.

– “We are stronger than executions and massacres.” A defiant assertion of resilience against the regime’s brutal tactics, underscoring the determination to continue the fight despite severe repression.

These activities in Zahedan are part of a broader narrative of increasing defiance across Iran, where the MEK and its supporters are challenging the regime through protests, strikes, and international advocacy, especially following spotlight events like the Berlin conference on Iran’s human rights situation. The bold actions and slogans of the Resistance Units not only reflect the deep-seated desire for change but also signal a critical juncture in the Iranian opposition’s strategy against the regime.


The Video of the MEK Resistance Units Activities in Zahedan:

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MEK Resistance Units in Zahedan Mobilize Actions Against Iranian Regime with Defiant Slogans