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Messages of 120 Women in MEK Resistance Units to Maryam Rajavi and Their Support for Her 10-Point Plan

More than 120 video messages were sent from across Iran, by the Iranian women who showed their support for Maryam Rajavi and her ten-point plan for the future of Iran.
More than 120 video messages were sent from across Iran, by the Iranian women who showed their support for Maryam Rajavi and her ten-point plan for the future of Iran.

October 22, 2021— More than 120 video messages were sent from across Iran, by the Iranian women who showed their support for Maryam Rajavi and her ten-point plan for the future of Iran.

“Iran will be free. I have faith in this. Because with Maryam Rajavi and her ten-point plan for the future of Iran we have a guarantee for freedoms in Iran,” said a woman from Tehran in her video message.

While playing guitar, a young woman from Urmia said in her message, “Dear Maryam Rajavi, we live for the day you come to Iran. We have learned from you that ‘we can, and we must.’”

“As a young Iranian woman, I support Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for the future of Iran. Because I want my people to live in freedom and prosperity. And I don’t want to see any Iranian girl be worried about what she wears,” a message from Ilam.

Another young woman from Tehran who got to know Mrs. Rajavi recently said, “As an Iranian woman, my wish is to see a free Iran and equal rights for women and men. I also have the right to welfare and a prosperous life. But in Iran we are deprived of our rights. I totally agree with Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for a free Iran. For strong women and girls in Iran. So that we can live happy and in security in our country. So, we will fight for a free Iran.”

These messages and activities are tip of the iceberg of the growing MEK’s support inside Iran. In recent years, the MEK has managed to gain more support among Iran’s new generation who yearns for a free, democratic and prosperous Iran. Back in July, during the three-day Free Iran World Summit from July 10 to 12, the Resistance Units sent one thousand messages of support from across the country.

To coincide with the activities of the MEK Resistance Units in Iran, the freedom-loving Iranians in abroad expressed their support for Maryam Rajavi and celebrated the anniversary of her election by using the hashtag #IStandWithMaryamRajavi on Twitter.

Many young women explained in their video messages the reason they support Maryam Rajavi.

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Messages of 120 Women in MEK Resistance Units to Maryam Rajavi and Their Support for Her 10-Point Plan