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Maryam Rajavi Warns: Iranian Regime Poses Grave Threat to Global Peace and Security

In a statement Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), has warned that the Iranian regime under the clerical leadership poses a serious threat to global peace and security.

Mrs. Rajavi asserted that recent “hostile acts” by the Iranian regime confirm that it is “the driving force behind the war that has escalated since October 7 into new dimensions.” She stated that the regime remains a “key instigator” of the ongoing conflict, despite opposition from the Iranian people.

Rajavi argued that the regime’s warmongering and terrorism, as well as its pursuit of nuclear weapons, can only be addressed through the efforts of the Iranian people and the organized resistance movement. She called for the regime to be recognized as a threat to global peace and security under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.

Addressing the European Union leaders, Rajavi urged them to take concrete actions, including designating the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist entity and activating the UN Security Council’s snapback mechanism to prevent the regime from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that the Iranian Resistance has long asserted that the Iranian regime is “the head of the snake of warmongering and terrorism, and the epicenter of Islamic fundamentalism.” She stated that recent events have underscored the validity of this assertion.

The statement concluded by calling on the G7 foreign ministers’ summit in Italy to respond to the urgent need for global peace by designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization and utilizing the UN’s snapback mechanism.

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Maryam Rajavi Warns: Iranian Regime Poses Grave Threat to Global Peace and Security