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Maryam Rajavi at French National Assembly: Overthrowing Iran’s Clerical Regime Key to Global Peace

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), delivered a powerful speech at a conference held at the French National Assembly on May 14, 2024. The event, organized by the Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID), brought together French lawmakers, dignitaries, and prominent figures to express their support for the Iranian people’s struggle against the clerical regime.

Mrs. Rajavi commended the efforts of the CPID in supporting the Iranian Resistance’s fight against the mullahs’ dictatorship. She highlighted the widespread boycott of the regime’s sham parliamentary elections, with only 7% voter turnout in Tehran, as a clear indication of the volatile situation within Iran and the people’s rejection of the clerical rule.

Addressing the regime’s tactics to evade potential uprisings and overthrow, Mrs. Rajavi warned that the clerical regime employs two instruments: warmongering in the region and suppression of the organized resistance inside Iran and abroad. She reiterated the Iranian Resistance’s long-standing warning about the regime’s export of war to the Middle East, which she described as “more dangerous than the threat of it acquiring a nuclear bomb.”

Maryam Rajavi emphasized that the overthrow of the clerical regime is the fundamental condition for global and regional peace and stability. She stated, “Today, the world is witnessing that the head of the snake of the Middle East conflict is the clerical regime, which is on the brink of acquiring a nuclear bomb. If we seek peace and stability in this region, we must focus on fascism in Tehran.”

The conference saw the presentation of a declaration titled “Supporting Freedom and Resistance in Iran for Global Peace and Security,” signed by more than 150 French deputies. The declaration expressed support for Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan and affirmed the rights of Resistance Units in Iran to confront the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). It also called for the prosecution of perpetrators of crimes against humanity in Iran and the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist entity.

Mrs. Rajavi highlighted the clerical regime’s “all-out efforts” against the organized resistance inside Iran, including widespread arrests, disinformation campaigns, and sham trials. She emphasized that the objective of these tactics is to deter young people from joining the Resistance and to facilitate terrorist operations against the Iranian Resistance while fabricating cases to restrict its members’ activities.

Mrs. Rajavi also addressed the regime’s interventions in the region, which are often mistakenly interpreted as a display of power in the West. She clarified that these interventions signify weakness, as they attempt to compensate for the regime’s vulnerability within Iran, where a robust resistance movement and Resistance Units are challenging the regime’s suppressive measures.

Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that the Iranian Resistance does not strive for power but seeks to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran. She declared, “The Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance resolutely declare, ‘No to the compulsory Hijab, no to compulsory religion, and no to a compulsory government.'”

In her concluding remarks, Mrs. Rajavi urged Western governments to acknowledge the right of the Iranian people and Resistance Units to struggle against religious fascism, stating, “Resistance against tyranny is an inalienable right of all peoples.” She called on Western governments to muster the courage to recognize this right, positioning themselves at the forefront of promoting peace and security in a world rid of the mullahs’ dictatorship.

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Maryam Rajavi at French National Assembly: Overthrowing Iran’s Clerical Regime Key to Global Peace